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Jaxavalanch in Maryland


Full Member
Jul 20, 2006
Cumberland, Md.
Well.....got the AV packed up last weekend and made the 900 mile journey to Cumberland Md. Finally got my laptop and wireless hooked up last night so Im back online. Looking forward to meeting the Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania folks soon. Ill be checking in and getting to a GTG as soon as possible. Got to test the AV out in the snow this week, I was pleasantly surprised, it does awesome in snow and mud! Anyway, glad to be back online. :)
sweet! :welcome: to Maryland!

I'm glad you made it safely, and have started your adjustment to living in a colder climate.  Happy to hear that your Av did so well for you in the snow and mud!  :)  I look forward to meeting you at an upcoming GTG... there's talk right now about a summer camping trip in western MD, details to be posted when all things have been worked out.  Maybe you can make it to this one, if not one of our monthly GTG's.

Brad  :wave:
I'm a little late to see this... but  :welcome:

Hope to meet you soon!