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Just bought my new 2007 Avalanche


Full Member
Dec 22, 2005
I'm back!  After three years and two other Chevy vehicles I am back in an Avalanche and happier than ever!  What was I thinking ever getting rid of my '03?  Silver birch w/ BF Goodrich All-Terrain K/O 285's on the stock 17's.  Pics to come!
woohoo!  :welcome: back! we all make crazy moves. I almost got rid of my av a few years back and then I realized it was actually just a nightmare, not reality!  :B:
Welcome back and Congrats
Thanks so much to everyone.  There is nothing like an Avalanche or the great owners out there that take part in this fan club.  Does anyone happen to know what manufacturers are going to be doing billet bowties and/or grills for the 07's?  Trenz or Stull?