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Looking For Strobe Light Kit


Full Member
Jul 11, 2002
I've got a cheap kit right now it's only visible during the night. My strobes are blue and it's just temporary until I find a professional kit. I am looking for a kit that incorporates blue strobes. Does anyone have any info on where I would be able to find them or if they even exist? I know there are a few members here that have pro kits, could you guys help me out?

That is a great site for everything you could ever need. I think I might get myself some of those strobes. >:D

-James R. :cool:
If you do a Google search on "Whelen strobe" you will find a lot of places offering these strobe systems. This is the type where you cut I a 1 inch hole in your lamp housing to pop these in. These are highly reliable, very bright systems.
Some sites with excellent pricing on strobe kits are:
www.pdcars.com (southwest public safety)
www.strobesnmore.com (the strobe guy)
I have had alot of luck doing some price comparison between these two. Alot cheaper than GALLS.
I just got a 2 bulb set+controller+color caps on Ebay... In the search window just type in Strobe Lights, then check it listings under automotive.
You guys have got to stop!!! My wife is going to divorce me if I keep modding!!! :C:

First I was thinking of neons...now you want me to add strobes too!!!
byron said:
You guys have got to stop!!! My wife is going to divorce me if I keep modding!!! ? :C:

First I was thinking of neons...now you want me to add strobes too!!!

You are hereby BANISHED from the site until the house closes... No? Ok, byron, have it your way. ;D
byron said:
You guys have got to stop!!! My wife is going to divorce me if I keep modding!!! ? :C:

First I was thinking of neons...now you want me to add strobes too!!!

byron -

Alas, I have been bitten by the strobe mod bug as well. As soon as I get the materials, I have someone that has volunteered to install them in my headlights for me.


Edward K said:
You are hereby BANISHED from the site until the house closes... No? ?Ok, byron, have it your way. ;D

Ugh....no house closing for me in the immediate future. We looked at the interior of the house we wanted to buy today. Piece of advice....never buy a house that the concrete slab is so bad you can get motion sickness walking to the other side of the room.

It was unreal. I finally backed up to the front door and stared down the hallway. I realized that everything was twisting about 2 degrees counter clockwise and probably sunk 3" over 15 feet.

Nothing that you could tell from the outside when we first looked at it. Now I see why it has sat empty for so long.

Back to house hunting for us.
wonder91178 said:
byron -

Alas, I have been bitten by the strobe mod bug as well. As soon as I get the materials, I have someone that has volunteered to install them in my headlights for me.



I'm officially jealous as hell. But my new Bedslide is helping ease my pain. >:D
Sorry to hear it. :6: :0: See ya in Memphis ! ;) Seriously though, I hope ya'll find something soon. Just watch for tree placement.
Edward K said:
Sorry to hear it. ?:6: ? ? :0: See ya in Memphis ! ? ;) ?Seriously though, I hope ya'll find something soon. ?Just watch for tree placement.

Hey....we started looking, got approved for the loan, and found the 1st house in less than 3 days. Honestly I cannot call it a major setback. This process can take months I understand. If we would have took the house we would have closed the end of this month. that's how fast we were crusing through the process. It was amazing.
does anyone have a strobe kit on thier AV with 2 bulbs in front and 2 in the back, with a switchable pattern? If yes where did you get it and about how much was it?
Oh yea, and how easy was the install?

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Hey carriles there are a bunch of sites to get the strobes from you could do a search on google for strobes, which will return some great sites with lots of awesome strobes, sirens, flashers sets, etc. I am planning on getting a light alternator so that my head lights will alternate. I will attach some good sites:



These are the two sites I use extensively and are very helpful and have a lot of great stuff.
Hope I was helpful. (y)

-James R. :cool:
This is the location I used (very complete kit). Came with 5 cables-15 ' long and I had to splice the rear cables 2.5' ea. to reach amp inside cupholder box.Long install time or I am just slowing down.Pictures on mod link below.Link for strobes is;
Any of you guys or gals with strobes installed have any pictures??? I'm interrested in a strobe kit that flashes a bright white light...thanks.