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Mmdavidw Got A New Avalanche.... (kind Of)


Full Member
May 22, 2002
Eureka, MO
I was out driving her around today... getting looks and comments everywhere I went. Even got a really nice comment about my brand new truck.

No, I didn't buy a new Avalanche... however I did spend 36 hours cleaning my 2002 AV. Yes, I said 36 hours.

Will go out for pictures tomorrow, just did the leather cleaner on the seats so I have to leave it alone for awhile.

Some cleaning items to note:

- Removed both bed grab handles to clean under them

- Removed both assist steps, brought them inside... let them sit in the bathtub with a mixture of water, armorall multipurpose cleaner, back to black and 303 and wiped them down really well... look brand new.

- Removed all four tires to do a proper cleaning of the wheel well area.

- Removed spare tire and cleaned and treated it, looks just as good as the other tires.

- Even removed headlight housings for cleaning.

Will be going out for some special pictures tomorrow, since it'll be my last free day in Florida. ;D

It's really really really clean though, Goo would have been proud.

David did you remove the tail lights and clean behind them . . . I removed them once to change bulbs and I noticed a lot of dirt back there. You Should Give It A Try, you'll be surprised what you have back there.
who's holding the "cleanest AV" contest?

wonder if Goo ever though to check behind the tail lights as a tie-breaker ;D



Enjoy it while you can - so far it's 8" and counting......... :cry:
If you're lucky NJ will re-open in time for your arrival.....
(The Governor stated at 2:00 pm today that a state of emergency exists here....)


Guys, I love my Av, but, 36 hours?
I usually pay 4 Mexican $7 to wash my car and they are done within 10 minutes.
That still leaves me 35 hours and 50 minutes to do whatever.
I think GM could build you a new Av in 36 hours?

Manny, this is my AV's last weekend in Florida... figured it deserved something special considering the pure hell I'm going to put it through once I get to New Jersey. :)

Are you moving to Jersey or just going to visit?

;D ;D ;D
At this rate ( looks out window....shakes head..) you should be here around May or so.......
This is for all the people that I offended with my post.
It doesn't suprise me at all that people get offended at whatever I post.
People have nothing better to do, but complain.

When I get my car washed, I go to a local hand car wash. At the car wash, there are Mexicans that work there.
NY would be lost if it weren't for Mexican. NY'ers have a great respect for Mexican's.
Behind every great Chef there is a Mexican Cook, even if the restuarant is Italian.
Mexican's are great workers, albeit they are cheap, but they are great workers and do the job right.
Basically, When I say I'll get a Mexican to do the job, it means I want the job done right.

So next time you read one of my post, don't get your panties in a twist and rat on me to the moderators.
And this goes to the member/s that are constantly watching my post so they ca rat on me to get me banned, "KISS MY @$$!"


I'm from Texas. Even in Texas "Mexican" is a derogatory term.

Face it Manny - you are an ass. And you repeatedly illustrate this on a regular basis!

And no I didn't "rat" on you.

PS If this post lasts 5 minutes without being yanked I'll be shocked! START THE CLOCK!!!
mmdavidw, man I love your neons (y) (y)

Neons woul;dn't work to good on my truck as it goes off road to often and that means lots of creek hopping >:D
I'm from America therfore I am American
A person from Mexico is therefore a Mexican.

If political correctness has gotten this out of control. I will wear my ignorance as a badge of honor and proudly dispay it for all to see.

Kiss a Rebublican
Liberals can kiss my a$$.

Dave all those hours of hard work cleaning your Ave will be in vain if you come up hear anytime soon. Your truck will get salty and muddy quicker tan you can count to 10
Hey, if I had 36 hours to clean the truck, I would love to, sorta like bonding with your truck... there is something fun about cleaning to this extent. Even so, I usually take it to a car wash too. Yeah, Mexicans work there and they do a great job.
Chris Bradburry said:

I'm from Texas. Even in Texas "Mexican" is a derogatory term.

Face it Manny - you are an ass. And you repeatedly illustrate this on a regular basis!

And no I didn't "rat" on you.

PS If this post lasts 5 minutes without being yanked I'll be shocked! START THE CLOCK!!!

Hey Sissy-fur.

I never said that you ratted me out. Do you have a guilty conscience?
It's funny that you say you are from Texas, yet you Avatar says Delaware?

I don't think I was talking to you. As a matter of fact, I've never had a coversation with you. Why stick your nose where it doesn't belong?
Are you Mexican? I'm Italian. Would I get offended if someone said, " You Italian"?
Ummm No. I proud of who I am and so should Mexicans. I never said anything derrogatory about Mexicans.

Maybe some of you idiots in Tex-Ass feel its a derrogatory remark, but here in NY we don't.
When I was 17, my girlfriend at the time was Black. I never went around and siad things like, "I'm dating a blacky" or "I'm dating a Niger".
Let face it you're the Ass O, and there is much more racism in Texas than there is in NY.
Oh what am I talking about, Texan's just wrap chains around non-wasp, and drag them till their heads come off.

Chris, you are a TOOL. Plain and simple.
Just do us all a favor and "Get in the coffin" and well, you know the rest.
Sicilianos Avy said:
I'm Italian. Would I get offended if someone said, " You Italian"?
Ummm No. I proud of who I am and so should Mexicans. I never said anything derrogatory about Mexicans.

Here is a secret I am going to let you all in on. When I go down to Myrtle Beach and a Southerner calls me a Yankee, little do they know that a warm feeling of pride comes over me. Hey, we have a baseball team called the Yankee's. We take pride in our "Yankeeness". Please tell me when the Yankees are going to be playing the Red Necks. I really want to go. >:D