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My Kid's B-Day Party Turned Into An Av Demo


Charter Member
SM 2003
Full Member
Jan 18, 2002
New Jersey - Exit 5
With about 20 people at the party, mostly family relatives, I was exhausted by the end of the day showing everybody every little feature of the Av. Even the neighbors had to come over and inspect the vehicle.

I felt like the person up on the platform who demonstrates the Av at the auto shows! Of course, I'm not really complaining about all the attention the Av gets....... :cool:
midlifecrisis said:
I felt like the person up on the platform who demonstrates the Av at the auto shows! ?Of course, I'm not really complaining about all the attention the Av gets....... :cool:

yes, but are you as pretty as the girls who usually demonstrate the vehicles, up on the platform? ;D

Ironically I was trailing a person last week in a black Av just like mine. When I finally caught up to the truck at a light, it was a woman driving it! Avs are very rare here in southern NJ, and Avs driven by women are even rarer. I'm doing my part to change that, as our Av is my wife's to drive around town on a regular basis.
Our AV, will be my wife's primary mode of transportation for awhile. We will be trading in her Mountaineer for it (possibly this weekend). She is afraid to drive my cars, so I will have to drive it on weekends.
I have showed my truck off so much I could be a sales person....

also the girls like it too.. I told the wife she could leave me know and I would still be happy I am one ugly guy but with this truck.. I am in like flinn,.... HA HA HA HA HA .
