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My New Website


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Jul 18, 2002
Cooperstown, New York
I am trying to get a website up and running, hopefully by mid next week. It is going to be for promoting the AV, talking about its superiority to other trucks and upgrades, links to particular sites, and what not. I also plan to put pics up on the site, mine as well as some others. I am hoping to ask your permission anyone on the club site that would authorize me to use one or two pics of their truck, just for a little variation and to show how compatible the AV is with any upgrade concieveable.
If you will permit me to use your pics, please send me an email either just to me on the site or to my personal email: jreynolds2004@hotmail.com
I need to hear from you with in the next 2 days.
Thanks Guys.
James R. :cool: