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Need 2007 PCM


SM 2007
Full Member
Jul 18, 2003
Sautee Nacoochee, Georgia
Been trying to get a Jesse Bubb tune for my 2007 Z71.  They emailed me that I need to send them a PCM for the 07.  Anybody have a clue where to get one???  Can't afford the dealer ...
rch07av said:
Been trying to get a Jesse Bubb tune for my 2007 Z71.? They emailed me that I need to send them a PCM for the 07.? Anybody have a clue where to get one???? Can't afford the dealer ...

Allen Nelson........ :laugh:

His screen name is farmtruc.......... :cool:
rch07av said:
Guess again .. from Nelsons Website.

To better serve our customers, Nelson Performance will ship you a Performance PCM (excludes LS2 and '07 trucks):

No guessing involved.. Allen is a friend of mine...... He will sell you a PCM.....

My suggestion was to talk to Allen. He has a source for his PCM's and he might can find you one..... and once talking with him direct realize what so many others have in the past... there is no better source for internet tunes on the planet......


Better yet.... don't bother Allen... he is a busy man..... Let's try the caveman way.....

Google search...... :D

FlaBouy said:
My suggestion was to talk to Allen. He has a source for his PCM's and he might can find you one..... and once talking with him direct realize what so many others have in the past... there is no better source for internet tunes on the planet......

Is "might can" like a definite maybe?? And whats up with the "caveman" way?? The search engine doesn't list the Avalanche nor the PCM.?                              Are you messin wit me FlaBouy ....? :laugh:
OK, I give up... some one else take a stab at this..... :rolleyes:

PSSST... :beating:? ?the silvy pcm, the av pcm, most denali pcms, tahoe pcm's, etc... are all the same part number.....they can all be reflashed with our tune........ depending on model year of course.... look up the part number of your PCM and verify it against what is for sale at the junk yards....


Your best bet is to talk to Allen... I guarantee he most likely will talk to you, but am unsure as to whether he can explain the best means to get you what you think you want. He might actually sell you something different but it will be what you need and not what you desire. A premium is usually attached to providing professional advice to simple questions. In your case it seems this is a difficult question, so he might decide to add the special tax rate for giving difficult answers to simple questions which justifies his charging both the tax and the professional fee.... and don't even ask about shipping charges for sending you an untuned PCM so his competitor can install a substandard tune. That might involve overhead and profit at a scale to be determined once his competitor is identified....

Or you could just do it the caveman way....... Google it....... Due diligence.... research..... internet search....

Seems that is a lost art these days..... :D
FlaBouy said:
OK, I give up... some one else take a stab at this..... :rolleyes:

PSSST... :beating:? ?the silvy pcm, the av pcm, most denali pcms, tahoe pcm's, etc... are all the same part number.....they can all be reflashed with our tune........ depending on model year of course.... look up the part number of your PCM and verify it against what is for sale at the junk yards....


Your best bet is to talk to Allen... I guarantee he most likely will talk to you, but am unsure as to whether he can explain the best means to get you what you think you want. He might actually sell you something different but it will be what you need and not what you desire. A premium is usually attached to providing professional advice to simple questions. In your case it seems this is a difficult question, so he might decide to add the special tax rate for giving difficult answers to simple questions which justifies his charging both the tax and the professional fee.... and don't even ask about shipping charges for sending you an untuned PCM so his competitor can install a substandard tune. That might involve overhead and profit at a scale to be determined once his competitor is identified....

Or you could just do it the caveman way....... Google it....... Due diligence.... research..... internet search....

Seems that is a lost art these days..... :D

Glad to have you back posting true to form!  :love: :laugh:
Thanks for your attempt at helping me FlaBouy. ?Here's the deal ... I have no clue about PCM tuning. ?I've have read through some of the posts and I only checked with JB since it seemed that all posts were positive. ?I have an 07 Z71 that needs a little more "get up and go" ! ?I'm not ready to spend the bucks to install a supercharger and figured that the tune would be a start. ?I am sure that you and Allen are tight ... but to slam my ignorance is not cool. ?If he would get so inconvienienced by a customer asking "simple" questions and charge me a "stupid" tax ... I don't think that I would want to spend a penny with him. ?Thanks for clarifying that for me. ?Just checking ... am I reading you right???
rch07av said:
Thanks for your attempt at helping me FlaBouy. ?Here's the deal ... I have no clue about PCM tuning. ?I've have read through some of the posts and I only checked with JB since it seemed that all posts were positive. ?I have an 07 Z71 that needs a little more "get up and go" ! ?I'm not ready to spend the bucks to install a supercharger and figured that the tune would be a start. ?I am sure that you and Allen are tight ... but to slam my ignorance is not cool. ?If he would get so inconvienienced by a customer asking "simple" questions and charge me a "stupid" tax ... I don't think that I would want to spend a penny with him. ?Thanks for clarifying that for me. ?Just checking ... am I reading you right???

It would seem that I have offended you and you must believe me when I say that was not my intention. If you read the post right above yours you will see that my great wit and sarcasm have been lacking from these threads here of late due to an aggresive work schedule and pressure for undergoing State certification testing in my humble field of expertise.

I humbly apologize for inadvertantly pissing you off. If you spend time on these forums you will get used to me or ignore me... as quite a few do...

As far as Allen goes, if you dish him over my ignorant remarks you will be passing up the best LS1 tuner in this entire country. He is sought after by most Performance magazines to tune their pet projects and there is no tuner out there close to his abilities with a email tune. Don't take my word for it... ask around.

As for my foray into this discussion I beg that you forget every written word that I have posted in your thread and promise to never bother you in any manner in the future....

I am sorry for my ignorance in this discussion......
Thank you FlaBouy ... I too have had a crazy week and shouldn't let things get under my skin so quickly. ?I have been on this site long enough to know better. ?Since I am the first to admit my ignorance on this subject, I do appreciate any help from those in the know. ?I am familiar with your truck and have been impressed with your mods! ?I will PM you to discuss this further and next time I'm in PC, I'll buy you a couple of cold ones at Schooners. ? :wave:
Tango Chaser said:
:woohoo:? I've been acknowledged by FlaBouy!? ?:D

Be quiet you ignorant simpleton before I tax your brains out......... :beating:


Again, I am sorry for my ignorant ramblings in your thread rch07av. I know I promised never again, but one much be constantly diligent in stamping out those coc-a-roaches..... :D
rch07av said:
I am familiar with your truck and have been impressed with your mods! ?

Dammit, if I have told my truck once, I have told it a thousand times. Quit sneaking around with other members without my knowledge!

You know I have to ask now... ??? .... just how familiar did you get with my truck and how many mods did you get "impressed" with.

Dangit, now I am gonna have to wash it....... again........

sssMOkinAV said:
Hey guys.... what's the diff between my PCM (2004) and a 2007? are they not interchangeable?

Um... I cannot answer that in this thread.. I promised...... wish I could.... but I must---be----silent---- :-X

? ? :laugh:


For your information

2005-2007 PCM - Part Number 12602802
? - 2004 PCM? ? ?- Part Number 12586242
You da Man ... FlaBouy!!!

Just checked my PCM for part number ... 3 numbers listed:


Any guess which is the part number???

Also - only 2 plastic clips hold the 07 PCM in.  Guess GM found another place to save a few cents!!!
rch07av said:
You da Man ... FlaBouy!!!

Just checked my PCM for part number ... 3 numbers listed:


Any guess which is the part number???

Also - only 2 plastic clips hold the 07 PCM in.? Guess GM found another place to save a few cents!!!

OK, I assume you are not mad that I posted in this thread again without permission....... :laugh:

The reference number is the important one.... Give that to the seller along with your VIN number and he will reflash your stock tune into the PCM before he ships it........

Good Luck
Did you find your new PCM?  Let me know how it works out....Thanks.... :love: :B: