I have the Michelin cross terrain 265/70/17's and love them. They ride great and are very quiet with super wet weather traction and handling
I have been holding out to get one size larger on the next go around, but a good friend just bought a ford super crew 4X4 and he drove it straight off the lot and had some bigger tires on it. Now he wants to sell me the brand new (35 miles) set of wrangler rts's that are the same size i now have for 250.00
Question is would i be a fool for not picking them up at less than half the price of a new set. The michelins i have run 800.00 a set.
Looks or wallet is the question. I usually run about 35,000 a year sometimes more. Need help on this decission

zeeya,,,,,,,,,,,,any info on those type tires on mileage, noise level, ride would be appreciated