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New Avalanche Hazardous To My Health!



Chevy nearly made me choke on dinner tonight! Bought my new Avalanche 1 week and 1 day ago. Took the $2000 rebate.
Tonight at dinner Chevy commercial shows they are offering a $3000 dollar rebate! :9:
I know new cars drop in value quickly but this really stinks.
Feel better now (not a $1000 better).
Yeah - but they are several thousand more. I went for the 0 % and didnt get a rebate anyway. How do feel now? Wait a minute so if I buy the wife a new AV i will have 3000 to spend on mods after Christmas (y) >:D
wanna feel really bad ? Reliable Chevrolet in Albuquerque NM was offering triple rebate on 02 & 03 Avs
last month ($6000) I bought in October 2001 no rebate
:cry: :C: :7: :8:
Why not see if the dealer will up your deal. ?You never know unless you ask. ?I know other businesses will give you a price break when something goes on sale the next week.

If this is a dealer that wants you to brag about them and be a loyal return customer they just might. ?You may have to ask higher up the food chain than salesstaff though. ?This may be a decision for the dealership owner/manager.

Worst case - - they say no and you still drive home in a new AV.
I struggled last February 28 when the existing financing deal was to end ($2002 & 5% rate for 60 months). I wasn't sure if the deal would keep going so I succumbed and bought the Av on the last day. Of course, the incentives continued and even got better, so I lost out to a certain extent. But at least it got me off my butt and into an Av, and I couldn't be happier!
I have to admit that I feel pretty lucky. Although like many of the 2001 buyers I paid an "early adopter" tax - many in 2002 got better deals off the sticker price than I did, I was very happy to get 0.0% and a $1,000 rebate. As a matter of fact, on the 21st of this month my Avalanche is officially 1/3 paid off. Hooray!

Still I do feel sick looking at the ads in the paper and seeing Avalanches with the Z-71 package under $30K knowing I paid a hair under $35K for mine. Such is life!
Happy with the vehicle, just always my luck. I saw current incentives to stop Jan 3rd so thought, must be best deal at the moment. $1000! Lots of toys for a grand! Oh well, on with life.
I too got reeled in by the GM financing game
When shopping in Dec of 2001
they had the promo of $1k rebate by Jan 2/ 02
The dealer kept calling saying the deal is running out
I even called GMAC to see what was going on after
1/ 2/02--said they couldn't disclose :8:

Picked my AV up on jan 2 at 4.30pm
the next morning, seen there commercial for $2k off
Immediatly called the dealer and emailed GMAC
they both said, SORRY. it's based on when you sign---
were talking 7.5hrs :8:

Luckily I went in on the 31st Dec and beat the hell out of them on the price, so I got a total of $6200 off, with the $1K
I didn't see any deals like that, until late spring and summer so I guess I didn't do too bad
Perhaps you can take comfort in the fact that you are not the only one who missed out on the dangeling rebate banana.

There are always some who also waited too long and missed the deal.
I picked my AV up in Aug.

Thought I was getting a great deal 0% financing for 5 years and GM Supplier discount pricing.

Within a week I received a flyer from the dealer offering a $4,000 rebate. The GM Supplier Discount was also still valid.

No luck in renegotiation. Oh Well, I still have the AV and that's all that matters. ;D
My base model AV had been sitting on their lot for 270 days. It only had 27 miles on it. They practically begged me to take it. $32k sticker price then they started discounting. $1300 on my trade in, $5000 off because I was taking this one, $2500 rebate. Then I started negotiating.

I walked out the door for $24500 total with no money down. >:D
I too, missed out on all of the deals. :(

No special deals going on when I purchased my AV, at least I got the GM family staff discount!!! I can thank my dad for that. ;D

Better luck for me next time...