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Plans for Sunday?


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Aug 22, 2004
Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado
Good MOrning All!

What's everyone doing Sunday? Kelsey & I and the Sparqui Clan are looking at heading to Bear Country and then... ?  Anyone else making plans to get out & about?

When looking at the cubs be careful there was an eletric fence that ran just under the railing my sister found it by accident I'm Not sure if it's ther to keep the cubs in or the kids out :beating:
peekingduck said:
When looking at the cubs be careful there was an eletric fence that ran just under the railing my sister found it by accident I'm Not sure if it's ther to keep the cubs in or the kids out :beating:

Ouch!!  :eek:
Sunday - July 22nd, 2007

Free Dinner Location:
The Millstone Family Restaurant
1520 N. LaCrosse St.
Rapid City, S.D. 57701
Phone 605-348-9022

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Free Dinner includes:
Your choice of entree from the Dinner Menu, Beverage and Dessert

See you there!
1. Relax after 2 days driving

2. Clean 2 days of bug guts off Av

3. See number 1

4. Consider Bear Thingy

5. See number 1

6. Lunch

7. See number 1

8. See number 1

9. See number 1

10. Finish Detailing Av

11. See number1

12. Free Dinner

13. See number 1

It's gonna be a busy week!!!
maverick1974 said:
Are you going to have the packets and stuff with you at or just before dinner?
I am at the Registration Booth now and will be until about 5:30pm. Not sure if someone will stay behind to keep the booth open during dinner, but try to come prior to...

Welcome to South Dakota!

BTW, the packets are only available at the Registration Booth.
OK, I have to change my forum times so I don't get messed up.  Truck got a little hot coming out of the badlands, should be good in another 30 minutes or so.
Are there tickets or passes or something for the dinner or do we just show up?

UtahAV said:
Are there tickets or passes or something for the dinner or do we just show up?


Come to the registration booth for the information. It wasn't passed out for the people that checked in yesterday. There is a little sheet with the information on it. Come and see us Mark!
UtahAV said:
Are there tickets or passes or something for the dinner or do we just show up?

as Sparqui said, we have the address for you at the registration booth, you will need to be wearing your name tag that came with your registration packet so they know you are with us