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Rainbow Springs


SM 2008
SM 2007
SM 2006
SM 2005
Full Member
Jul 14, 2004
Bradenton, Fl
I have reservations at Rainbow Springs for 6/29-7/3. If anyone is interested in coming up to go camping or tubing in that time frame let me know. EricandKera will be there for a couple days and my kids. It's a beautiful river and very relaxing. I plan on getting up there about 4:00 on the 29th. If anyone is interested let me know. They are redoing the tubers exit so there will be a 2 hour tube and a 4 hour tube. The state park is seperate from the campground and there is a public park across and down from the campground so there is alot to do. It is a beautiful river. here's a couple of pix.

Well never mind the pix it keeps saying my file size is to large when it's the same size as all the others I posted.
link below: check out my myspace page under pix if you are interested or if you don't have a myspace u can pm me


aww thanks Fox-wish I could have been able to attend MCM. Looks like we might have had some fun:)
HerAvy said:
aww thanks Fox-wish I could have been able to attend MCM. Looks like we might have had some fun:)

we woulda been dangerous >:D ... no worries though, we'll meet up some time in the future... i'm sure of it :love:
Nice area, looks like a fun site for a GTG.
I'll have relatives in town who prefer things like the Orlando theme parks :9:, NASCAR and the beach
but I'll at least suggest it to them.
lhswrestler said:
awesome place to go hang out, was just there with some buds a few days ago, looked great.

Hey welcome :welcome: Yea Rainbow Springs is great for a weekend away. Hope you can make it to a GTG soon!
HerAvy said:
Hey welcome :welcome: Yea Rainbow Springs is great for a weekend away. Hope you can make it to a GTG soon!

i'll be looking forward to one sometime in the near future, i'm just a student but i'm sure i could enjoy myself around other av owners.