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removing 4x4 Stickers

Get a blow dryer, heat the sticker up, use your finger nail to get underneath the sticker, and start peeling it off. Keep the heat on the sticker as you peel it off. Use some naptha (lighter fluild) to remove any adhesive residue from the paint, rewax the area you used the naptha on, and you're done.
I recently removed/replaced mine. The sun warmed the decals up enough to easily remove without using a heat gun.

CodeBlueEMT said:
I recently removed/replaced mine. The sun warmed the decals up enough to easily remove without using a heat gun.


same here.  I just pulled the edge up with a credit card and slowly pulled the decal off.
CodeBlueEMT said:
I recently removed/replaced mine. The sun warmed the decals up enough to easily remove without using a heat gun.

I like this way too. IF you can get it started. I've found that there was less glue residue left behing if I did NOT use heat on it. Everything mentioned so far will take the glue off....... eventually. The best thing I've found is the cleaner that came in my decal installation kit from streamlinedesign.com.
I used polishing compound, took the glue right off
i just had it taken off by a detail guy and i watched him take it of with a sticker remover it is a rubber wheel you can buy at home depot looks like a tonka truck tire it fits on the end of a drill and you use it sideways removes sticker glue i was nervous seeing him do it but it came off so easy it took like 2 min for each side he then looked at me and said right tool for right job then he applied some compound never new the sticker was there
Nope not on mine it's a 03 I'm in Michigan it's been threw 100 degree summer day sit's over all day long in the sun, and road salt each winter and you can't tell the sticker was there
davesAnchie said:
After removing the stickers... Would there be any signs of paint disscoloration? From the UV rays? Thanks
my stickers were on a 2-3 years and there was a little discoloration, but not much, and it didn't take long for it to blend together
sorry cant help you there i have an 06 so sticker hasnt been there long but my advive is to remove it find out and if there ia a mark have a detail guy buff it out did a little body work in my day and once buffed there is no way you can see it and if you can you go to step two buy a better sticker than the one that came factory there are some really nice ones out there
We use WD-40 to remove windshield/backglass sealer when the robots mess up. WD-40 won't hurt paint, it will work on vinyl interior stains too. Most the stick-em should come right off with the sticker if you pull it off at about 80o, use a blowdryer just little bit as needed if it's stubborn.
Took mine off last Summer when it was 107 degrees outside.  Came right off in one shot    :laugh:
I should get with the program and remove mine too. Do most of ya just
leave that area clean or put on a new sticker.
mpstech said:
I should get with the program and remove mine too. Do most of ya just
leave that area clean or put on a new sticker.
I left mine clean and put a z71 emblem on the pillar behind the back door 
Mine were easy. I made it part of the deal for the dealer to remove them before I signed. >:D
sperry said:
Mine were easy. I made it part of the deal for the dealer to remove them before I signed. >:D
I kind of liked them at first, but I'm way happier with them off