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Replacing shocks myself


Full Member
Jul 22, 2005
McHenry Illinois
i looked and searched ever where and can't find the answers.

i ordered new shocks today from ORU.? i needed some longer ones in the front since i installed new torsion keys on my truck this month.? now, i have never replaced shocks before.? how hard is it to do it yourself.? is there anything "special" i should know about.? i don't want to shock to come flying off and kill me!? that wouldn't be good for the upcoming GTG? i do have access to a lift and air tools which is a plus :woohoo:

and pictures are always a help for me.


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I haven't personally changed any shocks in years but they used to be a pretty simple job especially if you have access to a lift and impact tools. You really shouldn't have any problems as long as their not inside the springs then I don' have a clue...
It's not a difficult job. What will make it easier and it's a tool you should have anyway cause they rock is a gear wrench. Hold the upper shaft of the shock with a vise grip and use the gear wrench to remove the nut. Then the rest of the bolts are pretty straight forward.

good luck