I upgraded my amateur license recently and now have the bug to put an HF rig in the Avy to keep my Kenwood TM-D700 company.
I might buy the Icom 7000 if I can find the $$$

It appears from the current wisdom on the web that a screwdriver antenna is the best compromise for a multi-band antenna. I have seen an AVy or two with screwdriver mounted along the side of the rear bumper, tied into the hitch frame. Wow, That makes the AVy even wider than it already is. See the SUV installition picture section at www.tarheelantennas.com
I have seen some receiver mounts also. The commercial mounts appear to be pretty expensive for the tilt down variety and perhaps easy to fabricate. Think of some of the Avy flagpole mounts. I don't want to lose the ability to get into the bed or pull a trailer.
Let me see what you have or what you have tried.
I might buy the Icom 7000 if I can find the $$$

It appears from the current wisdom on the web that a screwdriver antenna is the best compromise for a multi-band antenna. I have seen an AVy or two with screwdriver mounted along the side of the rear bumper, tied into the hitch frame. Wow, That makes the AVy even wider than it already is. See the SUV installition picture section at www.tarheelantennas.com
I have seen some receiver mounts also. The commercial mounts appear to be pretty expensive for the tilt down variety and perhaps easy to fabricate. Think of some of the Avy flagpole mounts. I don't want to lose the ability to get into the bed or pull a trailer.
Let me see what you have or what you have tried.