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Second Guessing



I'm a new member but have been reading here for some time. I just traded a 2001 GMC crew cab w/6liter 2500HD for a 2003 Avalanche 2500 with the 8.1. I'm not really concerned with the gas mileage but am wondering whether I will like the unit as well. I do have a 2001 Suburban withthe 8.1 and I really like that engine. It is fun to drive. I do have a few days to back out of the deal if I really want to. It was a cash deal and I know the dealer quite well. Anybody have the same thoughts?
;D ;D
If you think your "burb is fun to drive, wait'll you jump into the Av............. handles almost exactly like it, but the recognition factor is 210.

You're gonna LOVE it.

you hardly know us but MAN,
the AV is a head turner!

You grow to never leave home with out it,,,

You just having buyers remorse-
mod away and it will be your new love...
You're gonna love the Av'.

Best vehicle I've ever owned, and I've had alot of 'em in all different configurations. Sports cars, trucks, vans, suv's. The Av beats 'em all!

Have no fear emtwerff,
and WELCOME, by the way! (y)

I have the 2500 w/ the 8.1, and I LOVE it!
It is quick, fun to drive, and STRONG!

I also prefer the stiffer suspension on the 2500,
but either way, the AV is the BEST!
(I have owned over 30 vehicles,
and the AV is my FAVORITE!)

Seven :cool:
The only down side to the 8100 is the gas mileage, and you've already got past that. I had the Burb in the 6000, the Av is much more enjoyable to drive. My work truck is a 2500HD 8100, it's a blast to drive, but I don't buy the gas. You only live once go for it!!!!!
This is my first truck...but I have been in many...and in my opinion nothing compares to the AV....the proof is in the pudding....comfortable ride...uniqueness...and versatility all in one...can't beat it.... :B:
emtwerff said:
I'm a new member but have been reading here for some time. I just traded a 2001 GMC crew cab w/6liter ?2500HD for a 2003 Avalanche 2500 with the 8.1. I'm not really concerned with the gas mileage but am wondering whether I will like the unit as well. I do have a 2001 Suburban withthe 8.1 and I really like that engine. It is fun to drive. I do have a few days to back out of the deal if I really want to. It was a cash deal and I know the dealer quite well. Anybody have the same thoughts?

My thoughts are that I'm jealous as hell and that you are going to love that beast. :D
Av's Rule! ! !

and the others drool

On a real quick note....I've learned to always trust my first reaction....for some that may remember..I was in the market for a Trailblazer when I stumbled upon the pewter AV in the parking area....it was all over since then....and I'm happy I never looked back at the Trailblazer....nice...don't get me wrong....but I love my Avalanche....

Like NIKE would say....just do it!... :B:
...n I couldn't make up my mind...Tahoe or Pick Up!!!
Haaaaaaaa, I got better than both!!! :B: ;) (y)
Welcome and you will LOVE this truck just like most of us!!! :B:
I liked the 2500 Av so much we went out and traded the Expedition on a 2003 Suburban ?2500 with the 8.1. My wife really likes the Sub. The 8.1 is THE only way to go.
The Av will make you happy in the long run...after you put all this use into it and realize that you just can't do certain things with other types of trucks...you'll be happy you did.... :B:
What kind of response did you expect posting that question here? Its the Avalanche fan club!!!!! Of course, you will love the Avalanche.

kbavalanche said:
What kind of response did you expect posting that question here? ?Its the Avalanche fan club!!!!! ?Of course, you will love the Avalanche.

LOL >LOL...that's a good point...you probably wouldn't get this kind of response at any of the competitor fan forums.... :) :B:
I have to admit first time I seen the AV I was like WTF??? UGH?? never buy that beast.

Then I dunno after my blazer was crashed I was on the hunt for something that could work like a pickup truck, but be comfy enough for long family road trips. I was looking at all the quad and extended cabs and I came upon the avalanche..... then I was like WOW this thing will fit my needs very well.

Now I'm in love with it, I don't yet own one, but I still love the truck. I've looked at them all by now, and while there is definately cheaper things to look at, in just no other vehicle of it's class (suv/truck) does it offer as much utility. I guess that what it comes down to, utility. If you have the need for light - medium pickup bed use, but would like a "family car" in the same package avalanche is where it's at.

The best competitor IMHO to the AV is a fully loaded Dodge Ram Quad cab, it's nice, probably the truck I would buy if say I needed medium - heavy pickup bed use. But I'm more on the light - medium side pickup bed use, and on my focus was more on interior ammeneties. Not that the dodge doesn't have plenty but I think if you sat inside of the dodge then the AV you'd feel more comfortable in the AV. I know I was.

Although why for the love of god they couldn't add handles on the front sides, like the ford and dodge trucks do is beyond me. I really like those handles, somehow makes you feel like the truck is even bigger almost semi like. ;D
My interest was originally in the Trailblazer...but when I started to compare what I would get for the same price...I was sold on the Avalanche...not to mention the design and the attitude the truck brings, makes it a winner straight out the gates... :B: