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Seen One BURN Yet?


Charter Member
Full Member
Apr 6, 2002
Detroit, MI
On a sad note, The woman who own's the Chevy Dealer where I bought my AV lost her House and two vehicles to fire last week. Pray for her and her family, please.

AND, I thought you might like to see what a North Face looks like after a fire :eek:


How terribly sad - thanks for letting us know. How serious is their situation? I could set up a donation button on the site (separate from here) if they need financial help - I'm sure some of us would chip in.

On a happier note upon looking at the pictures closely I'm not terribly worried about my panels warping or pulling away over time. I noticed that the lower cladding, even where the bed had burned completely through the driver's side does not appear to have pulled away, melted or buckled in any way. If it can take heat concentrations at a level that will melt auto glass, I'm sure the blazing sun won't do much to pop those panels off over time.

One closing note - although burned up, I can see how a "naked" cladding-less Avalanche would look, and I can see how it would work...

I noticed the cladding too. The heat must have been incredibly intense, yet most of the body clad is in great shape.

It was also interesting to see the "wing" triangle without cladding.

Gad, wouldn't it just tear your heart out to lose your Avalanche in a fire?

I think I am going to have nightmares tonight... :cry:

I assume I read correctly that the lady owned the dealership? If that is the case, she probably doesn't need any financial assistance.... but, if she does be sure to post it.
I hope insurance pays for everything. I'm glad nobody was hurt.

I guess that's one way to take the plastic off. Wow, I didn't know that the AV was so flamable. Look at the aluminum panels in the bed!

Make Note:

Keep Avalanche clear of fire!
Those were sick pictures. It looks like the drivers side got it a lot worse than the passenger. Jasgot how were you able to get those pictures?

As for whether Insurance will pay for it the answer is yes. Fire damage is part of an Auto Insurance Policy. In this person's case it will most likely come out of their Home Owners Insurance.

She will at least get a new truck.

Anyway my heart goes out to them. Fire destroys lots of things that money can not replace. As long as nobody got hurt I guess that is the main thing.
My heart goes out to all parties involved...I would not hesitate in donating if need be... :(
Powersurge said:
As for whether Insurance will pay for it the answer is yes. Fire damage is part of an Auto Insurance Policy. In this person's case it will most likely come out of their Home Owners Insurance.
errr, not necessarily, and often not true. just so there is no misinformation in my fellow Avy-owner's minds, motor vehicles are typically excluded from the property coverage of the homeowners policy form (although yours may vary, and it is never a bad idea to put in claim under the HO policy, worst thing that can happen is they tell you not covered.) This would usually be an auto insurance issue, and if you didn't have fire and theft (they are often bundled together) - say you only bought the liability coverage - then you might be SOL. But if your vehicle is financed, you were forced to obtain comprehensive cover. Whether you stopped paying premiums and lost the cover is another topic . . . .

as for the woman, she probably has a fleet policy or something tied to her business, I would guess. Hope she is covered somehow.
jackalanche said:
errr, not necessarily, and often not true. just so there is no misinformation in my fellow Avy-owner's minds, motor vehicles are typically excluded from the property coverage.
Actually in a sense your right. This is called double indemnity. You can not have proberty insured twice. If they can prove that their Auto Policy doesn't cover fire (In New York you need to have total Coverage so in New York every New Car has Fire Coverage) then their Home Owners Policy will cover it. Home Owners Insurance also covers other peoples Property which gets damaged while residing on yours. For instance, A wind storm occurs and a tree limb falls on top of your car. If your car insurance is only for Basic Liability then the other person's Home Owners Insurance will pick it up. This covers all acts of Nature except for Floods. I know this because I work at AIG (American Interantion Group). Insurance is tricky. One thing that I have learned is to read insurance policies front to back.