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Setting Alarm Properly On '03?


Charter Member
Full Member
Jan 28, 2002
Bakersfield, CA.
Dealer told me to make sure I push the lock button as I get out of truck or the alarm won't be set. He said the key fob only locks the doors and does not set the alarm.

He demonstrated that by closing the door with the window down, hitting the fob lock button, reaching in and opening the door from the inside. No alarm sounded.

Then he pushed the button on the door and did the same thing. Alarm went off.

Am I the only one that has been locking his truck with the fob thinking the alarm was set?

He said my '01 Monte Carlo SS is the same?

I'm reading the manual as I write this.


I'm going to my dealer today, I'll ask. Right now I have a 2003 AV loaner from the dealership and I tried both ways you described and I got no results either time. I will try it on mine when I pick it up and let you know.
If I remember correctly from reading the owners manual, I believe you push the lock button on the key fob with the door open and then shut the door to set the alarm. A few seconds after shutting the door, you will hear them lock.
I think your supposed to press the lock button once to just lock the doors and twice to arm the alarm. I have it set so the lights blink and the horn chirps 2 times once the alarm is set.
Same thing for unlocking the doors. Once to turn off the alarm and unlock the drivers door. and 2 times for all doors to be unlcocked
Ok, after checking with the dealer and trying it, this is what I found. You do not have to manually lock the doors from the inside. If you lock your doors with the remote, the security symbol on the instrument cluster will light up, after it goes out the system is armed. You do not need to press the button twice, but you do have to wait until the light goes if your testing it. So try it out and let me know. (y)
Mongo Ranger said:
...the security symbol on the instrument cluster will light up, after it goes out the system is armed.?

That's what I have discovered too. If the dealer was didn't wait for the light to go out then he was opening the door while it ws still unarmed. I think that the double push to get the horn to sound is more of a piece of mind tool. I use it when the area is too noisy or I can't see the lights under the mirror pop on. They go out when the dash 'security' message goes out ~ once the AV has activated the alarm.
When I bought my 03 I told the dealer I wanted an alarm installed on the vehicle and my salesman told me that they could sell me an alarm, but it is not needed since the truck comes with one. They said "Why buy something you don't need?"