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Ski Chevy Promotion For New Av Buyers!


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Jan 10, 2002
Edmonds, WA
Hey folks, if you're out buying a new '02 or '03 Avalanche and you live in states that have a number of ski areas make sure you ask about the Ski Chevy USA package. In some areas these packages are worth $1,600 plus and you get them for FREE.

Last year I got season passes to three ski areas for buying my Avalanche, it was part of the factors that made me so - OK - I'll do it. However SOME dealers don't tell people about this program, you have to ask. Of course this makes zero sense to me as it doesn't cost the dealer anything and the paperwork is all of two or three minutes.

Participating states this year include Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, California, Utah, Nevada, and Colorado. Shame on the northeastern US ski areas for not participating!

Ski Chevy USA Website
This is a great program . . I thoroughly enjoyed skiing at Copper Mountain last year on my Ski Chevy pass! Just wish the pass was good for more than one year!
Great first Geico...and now this....can Jersey be cut some slack please.... :rolleyes: :B:
Chief..what are you entitled to with this package....lodge and lift?...Not sure if this is how it works... :B:
NJAV said:
Chief..what are you entitled to with this package....lodge and lift?...Not sure if this is how it works... :B:

You get a season pass to one of the resorts offered in your state. Lodging and transportation is up to you, of course if you have the Avalance and throw in the tent, you're covered ;)

I enjoyed my two free season passes last year so much I bought season passes this year.

One thing to be aware of, the 2nd pass is only good for an immediate family member. So if you are a single guy or gal and liek me your family doesn't live in the same state it can be a pain.

If you have a special person in your life (non family) and would like to get the pass for them, please drop me a private e-mail. I can explain the steps I went through >:D

NJAV - you get a pass that is good for any day of the season - lodging, food and transportation are up to you. I put a lot of miles on the AV last year running up to ski :)
Too bad I can't take advantage of this offer...I was just trying to convince the wife...to go out to Vernon Valley up north....but she is scared to death of skiing or snowboarding...she's afraid that she'll break a leg or something.... :6: :B:
Thanks for reminding me of this Chief! I get my new Avy either Friday or Saturday (depending on the wife's schedule) at Good Chevrolet in Renton! Looking forward to my new TOY! Charcoal Av everything but DVD..

Also I love this sight as it helped me tremendously in purchasing the Av. Sure glad you started it up....

By the way where were your season passes to? Snoqualamie? Stevens?
Hey dipster! Washington state gets the best darn deal going. You get a Harbor Resorts Seasons Pass for two to Stevens, Sweitzer [sic], and Mission Ridge. Further, you get deep discounts at Whister with the passes so it's a REALLY good deal worth about $1,400 :eek:. You just have to :love: :B: for putting on this great offer. So make sure you go to your dealer and slap 'em hard for your passes. Any way we can talk you in to dirtying up that Avalanche in February on the sand dunes of the Oregon coast?
I just caught the TV commercial last night on this. There is a great scene of an AV doing circles in the snow! The snow is thrown enough to get it up onto the cargo cover panels!
That is the only bad thing about the cargo cover last winter we had so much snow it piled up on the cargo cover and I could not see out the back window
I sure hope to get the chance to dirty up that Av in February! It should be great fun!!! Plus we get to meet some people from the Pac. Northwest!

Headed up to Snoqualmie today for a little drive! We both loved the ride and put on a whole 100 miles. Didn't get the stainless steps yet but will Tuesday because of a mix-up or something. So, we took it out anyway! Got in and ordered XM Radio (if your a GMS Employee go to their website and sign up with the code) and you get 3 months free and also free activation. I thought this was a nice little perk....

In fact we thought so much of the Av that we 'bought' it instead of leasing! Used all of the GMS and took the 3.9%. We changed our mind and took the risk.

Yep, filled out the paperwork for the freebie ski trip too! Should be getting that back in about 10 days according to what we read. Now we are looking forward to next weekend and driving to Rosyln if the weather holds! :)

Will take some pics soon and post them! Thanks to all of you on this site and look forward to meeting some of you in Oregon in February!

Chief said:
Hey dipster! ?Washington state gets the best darn deal going. ?You get a Harbor Resorts Seasons Pass for two to Stevens, Sweitzer [sic], and Mission Ridge. ?Further, you get deep discounts at Whister with the passes so it's a REALLY good deal worth about $1,400 ?:eek:. ?You just have to ?:love: :B: for putting on this great offer. ?So make sure you go to your dealer and slap 'em hard for your passes. ?Any way we can talk you in to dirtying up that Avalanche in February on the sand dunes of the Oregon coast?
dipster said:
I sure hope to get the chance to dirty up that Av in February! ?It should be great fun!!! ?Plus we get to meet some people from the Pac. Northwest!...
Make sure to keep a camera in your AV (and use it - we love pics)

See ya in Feb.
Waiting for some snow fall around here...might be waiting for sometime longer..doesn't seem as though we hit that part of the year yet....when it does I'm heading down to the Pocono's..for some white powder.....will take the Av and some pics..... :B:
PDXKevin if you liked the AV on the commercial check out this picture I took this last winter this is on my driveway


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AvaLance said:
PDXKevin if you liked the AV on the commercial check out this picture I took this last winter this is on my driveway
Hey avalance...how long does it take for you to shovel your way out of your own driveway.....I've never seen snow like that before.....must be some backbreaking work unless the snowblower comes on the scene... :B:
NJAV said:
Hey avalance...how long does it take for you to shovel your way out of your own driveway.....I've never seen snow like that before.....must be some backbreaking work unless the snowblower comes on the scene... :B:

I have a buddy who has a similar driveway - it is 3/4 a mile from a paved mtn road to his house. At times he can get 1-2 ft of snow and has had up to 3ft fall over night. There is no shovels involved. He has a 30K skid loader he must use to plow the driveway.

Before I had a 4x4, you could forget visiting him in the winter. The driveway is so steep and twisting you must have a 4x4 to even make it up. Some people have freaked out in the summer time going up his driveway :)

The pic of of avalance's driveway brought back memories of crusing my buddies driveway ;D
Blueruck said:
I have a buddy who has a similar driveway - it is 3/4 a mile from a paved mtn road to his house. ?At times he can get 1-2 ft of snow and has had up to 3ft fall over night. ?There is no shovels involved. ?He has a 30K skid loader he must use to plow the driveway.

Before I had a 4x4, you could forget visiting him in the winter. ?The driveway is so steep and twisting you must have a 4x4 to even make it up. ?Some people have freaked out in the summer time going up his driveway :)

The pic of of avalance's driveway brought back memories of crusing my buddies driveway ?;D
Wow...I can't imagine having a driveway like that Blueruck...everytime it would snow I would cringe...not to mention like you said if you hadn't had the 4x4...where would you have fallen too if you would have lost traction....eww.... :B:
Well, finally posted some pics today on the 'post pics of Av II. Been sick for awhile...just getting past the flu so take a look at the pics if you wish! 03 Av with 'almost' everything! ;D

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Dipster...that color is awesome...they had an Av on the lot when I went to the dealership in charcoal grey...and it was awesome....

On a side note..their calling for snow on thursday all day...whooo ..hoo....let's go... :B:
dipster said:
Still NO snow here only FOG! :eek:
Maybe that's the quiet before the storm....it's only been a whopping 25 degrees here today... :B: