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Some Avalanche Questions


Full Member
Sep 4, 2004
Lake City, TN
I was thinking today, that when I get my acura paid off and getting an older model avalanche. How good do these trucks do on gas? and how much would you think insurence would be on someone under 21?
Wade said:
I was thinking today, that when I get my acura paid off and getting an older model avalanche. How good do these trucks do on gas? and how much would you think insurence would be on someone under 21?

I think you'll get an AVERAGE mpg rating of 14-17 miles from most.

Insurance: Too many factors there. Age/Location/Driving record ect.

I'm 38 and had a great deal on insurance from the gecko. (I thought) But then I moved from central FL to the East coast of FL and my premium went down just based on zip code by $214.00
they don't do to bad on the highway, I think insurance would be a killer for someone your age though
Wade said:
why do you think that?

Highest rate for insurance even without any moving violations is....

Male, under 25, single (not married)
Wade said:
why do you think that?
because of your age, perhaps a older model wouldn't be so bad, you might want to get a quote before you buy one though 
Insurance rates depend on your state laws.  While it is true that unmarried males under age 25 do have the highest rates, if you have a car that you drive to and from work/school or whatever and you get a second car, then your rates are significantly less on the second (less driven) vehicle.  The companies can only hit you once with the big rates, but they usually want to do it on whatever will bring them the most money, as a newer, nicer, vehicle is usually the one they have the most exposure on.  That being said, it would also depend on which coverages you choose and liability limits and that sort of thing so on top of the fact that we can't see your driving record, rates are different from area to area even within the same state, and that we don't know what you plan to drive most often and that sort of thing, we have numerous other factors that play a part in the determination of your premium, therefore, we can't really give you a good idea of what that premium would be.

Bit of advice from a former insurance agent:  DON'T SKIMP ON LIABILITY LIMITS!!  This is what saves your tail if/when you are involved in an accident and someone decides to sue you.  I saw a man who was 63 years old have to mortgage his house (again) to pay for damages his wife inflicted on another person in a crash.  Imagine having your house paid for, nearing retirement, and having to go and mortgage your home to pay someone else's medical bills.  Not a pretty sight. 
find a truck in your price range and call the vin # into your agent and have him quote you...
no obligation ... just a quote..
danlwil said:
find a truck in your price range and call the vin # into your agent and have him quote you...
no obligation ... just a quote..

This is the best sugestion.
But I can tell you that in NJ the AV is classified as a wagon which is one of the less expensive classes of vehicle to insure. Ofcourse a used AV can coste more then $20k when a used Acura could be closer to $10k which would mean higher premiums if they were in the same class.
I get an average of 18-19 mpg on highway and 8-15 local.  Not sure what insurance will be but I've been with GEICO for years.
Insurance is a killer for males our age. I'm insured to drive all of our cars (Av, H2, Charger SRT:cool: and I think the ballpark, for just me, is around $1200 a year. I have a clean driving record and even good student discounts.