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Southern Comfort Slick Kit Installed


SM 2009
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Full Member
Feb 13, 2005
Ordered the Southern Comfort Slick Kit today.? ?$795+ shipping not painted.? 8 pieces.


3 tailgate
2 saddlebags
2 sail panels
1 3rd break light (top)

Woot!? ? ? ?Now wait for mr. UPS man? (y)

Thanx EQ! You Rock!
That should be sweet on your AVY.
is that the kit with the light bar in the sail panel skins? I saw one the other day (light grey & silver) on I4 and thought to myself....now THATS what I need ;) congrats!
Can't wait for the pics.  Might have to do that mod to mine!
Are these parts full replacements or do they just stick on top of the original pieces?  I was just on scomfort's site and was wondering what that kit cost.  Who's going to paint it for you?  How much do you think that's going to cost?
Bigntall1 said:
Are these parts full replacements or do they just stick on top of the original pieces?? I was just on scomfort's site and was wondering what that kit cost.? Who's going to paint it for you?? How much do you think that's going to cost?
These are stick on. I looked closely at the MCM gtg and they were a very nice fit. That price is one given through Earthquake for avalanche oweners. I am not sure what you would pay going through Southern Comfort without the discount. If I am not mistaken they would paint them for around $200. PM Earthquake. He is a great guy and a pleasure to deal with.
BlueDevil said:
Ordered the Southern Comfort Slick Kit today.? ?$795+ shipping not painted.? 8 pieces.

:eek:... that is one hell of a price....I still can't believe it cost so much to have mine painted....... :E:

I definitely would have went with this option had it been available and had I known about it back then.

Your AV is gonna look Awsome, you'll be very please to be painted.? I can't wait to see
blue devil , you just ordered and they'll send it to you ? or you have to buy the whole package, im saying this because i called a few months ago asking for a kit like yours for my LTZ 07 and they reply to me saying we dont sale the kit unless you buy the whole package, so let me know how you did it,
by the way it will change your avy in a very cool turning head machine
escalanche said:
blue devil , you just ordered and they'll send it to you ? or you have to buy the whole package, im saying this because i called a few months ago asking for a kit like yours for my LTZ 07 and they reply to me saying we dont sale the kit unless you buy the whole package, so let me know how you did it,
by the way it will change your avy in a very cool turning head machine

Thats true to the general publilc.  Earthquake (A member here) is an authorized seller for SC and has made arrangements for us.
escalanche said:
blue devil , you just ordered and they'll send it to you ? or you have to buy the whole package, im saying this because i called a few months ago asking for a kit like yours for my LTZ 07 and they reply to me saying we dont sale the kit unless you buy the whole package, so let me know how you did it,
by the way it will change your avy in a very cool turning head machine

Yes, you can get just the upper portion of the kit...it's called a Slick Kit (compared to the body kit which they won't sell you for the 2007 unless you take it to them for the install).
escalanche said:
thanks earthquake i'll give them a call  thanks for the info

Why give them a call?  Earthquake is a registered seller of their product. He'll get you a better deal than just calling them out of the blue.

call them and tell them EQ sent ya.......or better yet,talk to EQ first.
is that a UPS truck I hear BD? and to make it three people to say it, EQ is DA MAN when it comes to ordering SC parts!
Whats up with the "ULTIMATE LX"?