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Special Thanks To Sparqui, Carolyn, Jordan & Taylor


SM 2007
SM 2006
Full Member
Oct 12, 2005
I just have to send out a special thank you to Sparqui and his family this is the second year in a row i have gotten to hang out with them at nationals. I have so much fun with the Cali group(WILDFIRE & Brandon, I CHNGE & Any, IB Mike & Kelsey, ) i can't wait till next year.

The real reason for this thread is to thank Sparqui for the CAFCNA coin that he gave me on the day i was leaving. What a wonderful gesture of friendship between 2 people that have only meet twice. I was totally blown away by your generosity and can't say thank you enough. I will always be ready to buy your drinks when we are together that is my coin rule. Thank you again it means the world to me.


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Sparqui and the sparquettes, Carolyn, Taylor & Jordan were a blast to hang out with again this year. They are a very cool family!  :love:

And it was great to hang with you again Robby... even if I'm not one of the "cool" Cali group!  >:D
Good luck on working through your current drama... having been there/done that, you are in my thoughts.
I was just in the shower and new there was someone i was forgetting but couldn't figure out who it was. I was thinking Socal and forgot Norcal i was thinking about the other post i guess. I have adjusted the first post so i didn't leave anyone out i think. Thanks for the thoughts Mike i hope its all downhill from here.

Mike you will always be one of the cool kids we have birthdays to close together not to be cool
ORANGE05 said:
I was just in the shower and new there was someone i was forgetting but couldn't figure out who it was. I was thinking Socal and forgot Norcal i was thinking about the other post i guess. I have adjusted the first post so i didn't leave anyone out i think. Thanks for the thoughts Mike i hope its all downhill from here.

Mike you will always be one of the cool kids we have birthdays to close together not to be cool

I'm sure Any will be glad to see she was added too!  >:D :laugh:

But I am afraid to know you are thinking of me in the shower!  :beating: :kidding:

You are one of the most dedicated members of this club! We may have only met a few times, but we have spent some good times, laughing, joking, taking pictures while someone is hitting the brakes (oops), talking online, etc. You have a good heart, and deserve the coin more than most! Take care of it, as I would!

All of us had a great time with you. We even love to prod you about the Orange, too! It was really cool to ride co-pilot and shoot the breeze while taking pics.

I know the coin didn't keep you entertained as much as trAVis did, but maybe a close second.  And I look forward to you buying me a beer next GTG  >:D

Drinks, Shots, Beer you name it I'm buying and thanks for the complements it really made my day. You have a great family and are a pleasure to spend time with can't wait till next year.

Oh yea sorry about the brakes, but at least you got a picture to remember it by