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Full Member
Jun 24, 2002
Deer Park, Tx
Well, I have to say that I nearly ran off the road yesterday when I spotted my first YELLOW AV. I was on my way to do the family thing for Thanksgiving when I passed up a lot where they unload new cars off of trains and low and behold in the middle of the lot was a yellow AV! :eek: It was either a Z-71 or Z-66 because I could see the gray decal on the back, just couldn't read it (75+mph). ;D I guess that the production has begun, I just wonder when the deliveries will start to take place. If anybody in the north Houston (I'm near an hour away) area wants to see if it is still there, I was traveling north on the Hardy toll road and the lot was located between Rankin and FM 1960. Somebody check it out and confirm so I don't look like an idiot. I wish that there was some way to get on the lot and take some pics. Anyway, just thought that I would let you know... THEY ARE ON THE WAY!!! ;D
Very interesting.

The production of the yellows should not have begun yet. I spoke to the Sales Manager at Landmark Chevrolet and told him about the "sighting" and he claims that there wasn't a yellow one. We need someone in the area to do some investigating >:D
That is odd, I figured that Landmark would be the one to get it, being that they are the biggest dealer around. If nobody on the north side responds, I may have to swing by there with my camera and do some long distance pics from the road. Better bust out my spy gear. ;D
...and an added note. It was by itself with no other AV's around it. Maybe, it has to stay there until its "official".
Are there any events taking place in the area that would maybe warrant a cameo shot of the Yellow Av?..this may be another reason why it's there....some sort of promotion perhaps... :B:
I would not be suprised if it was a showroom floor promo vehicle. You know...to tease everybody until it hit production.
It could be there for a photo shoot for advertising or magazine article, or possibly the filming of a commercial.
Steelheadchaser said:
It could be there for a photo shoot for advertising or magazine article, or possibly the filming of a commercial.

This is the most logical, a photo shoot promotion well in advance of the release.

They just don't know how hard it is to get one by you guys and gals!!!
Did it look good in yellow? Did it have the light or the dark cladding? Or horrors of all horrors, no cladding?
ZimmsAv said:
I didn't think the no-cladding Av's where going to be out until mid-Jan?

They can push that release date on up to never if they want to. If people want a claddingless AV they can just go buy a Surburban and pay someone to chop the top.

The first claddingless AV to join out club is probably going to get hammered by the naysayers. I hope not. We'll welcome anyone. Even out naked brothers. :B: :B: :B:
byron said:
The first claddingless AV to join out club is probably going to get hammered by the naysayers...
I think that this group will have a lot of questions for the 'naturalist' approach to AV ownership but I don't think they will get slammed for going that route. Wh knows it could be choice and it could be the only way to bring the price of a new one down to their affordability.

My thoughts are - - at least it is an AV. :B:
pdxkevin said:
Did it look good in yellow? Did it have the light or the dark cladding? Or horrors of all horrors, no cladding?

It did have the cladding. That is how I knew it was an AV from a distance. I'll try and swing up there and see if it is still on the lot and snap a pic. I was going to do this last night, but by the time I got in from the Great Texas Cruise it was already dark.
If anything it will be a little harder to spot a claddless AV...because of the recent change to the front of the Silverado...used to be the cladding is what seperated the AV from any other truck seen on the road....

It will be fun do discuss the changes that have been make without the cladding..along with the maintenance etc.... :B: