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STI IV Scrapbooking --does anyone scrapbook?

xs Mrs.

Full Member
Aug 17, 2006
Beside xnightwolf
Was wondering? if anyone enjoys scrapbooking and would be interested in missing out on "mod" time and spend some time scrappin?? Huggie said that? the big room will be accessible throughout the weekend, we can have some tables set aside for all of us.? Let me know if your interested.?

Even if your new and want to learn let me know and we'll help get you started!
PLEASE PLEASE someone give me an excuse to scrap!!
damn, and I thought you meant jello wrestling ;) hehe

I dont scrapbook but I am positive you will have a bunch of ladies who will be interested.  :wave:
x's Mrs. said:
Even if your new and want to learn let me know and we'll help get you started!
PLEASE PLEASE someone give me an excuse to scrap!!

Hey there :wave:
I will scrap with ya.? I have always wanted to learn!
Come on ladies!! ( and i guess guys)  sign up for scrapin with Jen...  hanging out with her will be worth it!!!  i think i might even try it... MAYBE ;D

x's Mrs. said:
Hey Rhon....? do you have a book?? Will you be doing a 8*8 book or a 12*12?? Can't wait! :D

I don't have a book yet.  When I get home tonight I will check to see if it is a 8*8 or a 12*12. But I think its a 8*8.  I can't wait either.  Its gonna be a blast!  :D
12*12 GREAT that's what I usually do as well unless I am doing one as a gift etc.  I have a ton of solids not a lot of graduation paper but we should be ok.  Can't wait!!
x's Mrs. said:
I have a ton of solids not a lot of graduation paper but we should be ok.? Can't wait!!
I believe I have enough of the graduation paper so we should be fine :D I can't wait either! :wave:
I do not know how to scrapbook and I would love to learn.  :love:  Therefore, I would be interested in attending. Plus that's my excuse to go SHOPPING because I do not have any supplies. I LOVE MICHEAL'S  :D  I do not know the lingo so could ya'll tell me what I need to bring? Plus what time frame and date are we doing this.

Thanks ladies,
Lady Gator (Mrs. USDA Gator)
Hello---I am not sure when we will be doing this. There is only 3 of us. I am thinking one night while others are doing the poker tourney.....what are your thoughts?  I think that will work well for me b.c our daughter (hopefully) will be fast asleep.

What do you need........  pick 4-6 pictures for a page or 2 page spread.  Kind of think of a theme and grab some paper that will go.  Don't stress about solids ( I have a ton!!)  If you see stickers/accessories you can grab some as well. I have plenty of brads etc.  The biggest thing is to decide once you start will you be doing a 12X12 album or a 8X8 or any other size.  Because once you do the page you will want to continue with that size.

I plan to bring books with ideas and I will bring 2 of my albums to help get you started.  This  TRULY is a blast!!! You'll love it!!  ;D