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Storm Chaser Avalanche


Full Member
May 22, 2002
Eureka, MO
I've always been big into weather and next month I am taking the class to be a "storm spotter". I'm interested in weather enough that I'm looking to purchase all of that cool weather equipment that you see on top of the vehicles like in the movie Twister. I don't have any kind of estimated completion date at this time.

It's actually REALLY cool stuff when you look into all of it. There is lots of information on it online.

The Avalanche seems made for it too since it has plenty of room to mount all of the necessary equipment and also has the cladding to protect the lower half from storm related damage.

Now, what I'm wondering... has anyone else done this to their Avalanche? Does anyone know of anyone that has done it? Do I have a chance at being the first??

BTW, the external equipment is removeable, it will not be a perminant attachment.

Sounds like you own the perfect Storm Chasing Vehicle to me. When the Sh*t hits the f*n I know that there is no other vehicle I would want to be in other then an Av.

I think that would be cool "special activity" group to have on a Florida cruise. Some other areas do off-roading ... you all could be known for storm chasing ;D

The pictures would be so awesome!

Had I have known I was going to do this I wouldn't have gotten the sunroof. :)

However our hail here in Florida isn't big enough to harm it. We get some dime sized hail.... sometimes a little bigger, but that's the worst I've seen. Not saying there can't be a few exceptions but as a general rule it shouldn't be an issue.

Goo, that would be sweet!

"Ok everyone, there's a tornado... ok, line up the trucks.... group photo!!!!"


Well, unlike on Twister, I'm NOT driving my Avalanche into the tornado. I'm not that interested in weather.

However I have no problem with my Avalanche getting trashed as long as I have a REALLY good story to go along with it.



(if anyone hasn't guessed yet I'm working on getting up to 50 posts... almost there) :-[
mmdavidw said:
Goo, that would be sweet!

"Ok everyone, there's a tornado... ok, line up the trucks.... group photo!!!!"



Yes, I can just hear the photographer saying ... "Hey wait a minute. ?Didn't we have 14 AV's a minute ago?" ?:eek:
mm, what kind of expenditure for equipment are you looking at?

This is one of the sites I've spent some time on recently. It seems like http://cdcollura.tripod.com/wxlab.htm is a favorite item.

They just had a big regional picnic/meeting about 2 miles from where I live too. Didn't know anything about it. Oh well.

As far as costs, some of these guys have LCD displays, video cameras, laptops, weather computers and I don't know that I'm going to go THAT extreme, not at first anyway.

I'm planning on starting with with the radio equipment and probably hanging around for awhile and I'm sure I'll pick up stuff along the way and down the line go for the whole setup. But that is the goal in the end.


(Yay, post #50!!!!)
We may want to create a special Avalanche section for all the Av's that are used as emergency vehicles,weather stations, military versions etc..etc..
mmdavidw said:
I've always been big into weather and next month I am taking the class to be a "storm spotter". I'm interested in weather enough that I'm looking to purchase all of that cool weather equipment that you see on top of the vehicles like in the movie Twister. I don't have any kind of estimated completion date at this time.

It's actually REALLY cool stuff when you look into all of it. There is lots of information on it online.

The Avalanche seems made for it too since it has plenty of room to mount all of the necessary equipment and also has the cladding to protect the lower half from storm related damage.

Now, what I'm wondering... has anyone else done this to their Avalanche? Does anyone know of anyone that has done it? Do I have a chance at being the first??

BTW, the external equipment is removeable, it will not be a perminant attachment.


David -- Must be a David thing, because I've always been interested in Meteorology too. I was lucky enough back in '87 to have a chance to work as a NOAA/FAA Meteorological Technician (Aviation Weather Observer) part time on an FAA contract. I was like a kid in a cady store, getting to work with all the cool instrumentation (well, except for having to callibrate that old mercury baramoter :( I finally had to give it up in '96 after I got promoted and moved down here to NC, but I never lost interest. Of course now, I'd have to get re-certified in METAR procedures, and I'm sure that would be a royal PIA, but glad to see another weather enthusiast on the site... Good luck with your class. be sure to post some pics after you start outfitting your Ava.

www.ahhyeah.com I used my Blazer to chase storms... there's some pictures on my site. They were all really taken by me in Iowa. I used a laptop with internet access and TV tuner to watch the radar, and a weather radio. Started doing it with the Avalanche but the laptop is down... waiting to get another one.
goo929 said:

I think that would be cool "special activity" group to have on a Florida cruise. ?Some other areas do off-roading ... you all could be known for storm chasing ?;D


Hey I'm in Florida TOO!!! How many on this tread are in FL?
Storm chaser? I've found more excitement in being a storm panicker. You know... the type of person who, whenever the NWS issues a "watch" of some kind, runs to all the neighbor's and screams, "LISTEN TO ME!!! CONDITIONS ARE RIGHT FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF SEVERE WEATHER IN OUR AREA!!! IN THE EVENT OF SEVERE WEATHER YOU HAVE TO BE PREPARED TO TAKE COVER!!!" My personal record is nine houses before being ticketed for disturbing the peace and/or disorderly conduct and/or inciting a riot.

Also, just because a cop might be kind enough to let you sit in the front seat of his cruiser, doesn't give you the right to blast storm warnings through his PA. Take this as fact, my friend.

I've never been into serious storm chasing, but have found the local ones fascinating. You know, climb up on the roof as the wife and kids are heading for the basement after the tornado warnings. I've sure seen some impressive weather activity, and have been forced off of my observation point by painful hail, but haven't seen any full fledged tornados to date.

The Av's the perfect vehicle for storm chasing David - post pictures when you get yours equipped.
I miss that type of weather. Growing up in Wyoming I remember the big thunderstorms or electrical storms.

Now in the Bay Area we don't get anything. It rains alot here but when it does it is a only a drizzle. The drizzle usually last for hours at a time though. Once a year we get lucky enough to see/hear lightning and thunder but it is RARE!
