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Terrible Gas Mileage



Just filled up for the 3rd time on my AV. Looks like I am getting about 12.9 MPG on this bad boy. Not impressed. My 2000 Tahoe 2WD got closer to 20MPG and the only diff. was I had a TBS (same exhaust, FIPK). of course the actual weight diff. might contribute to that.

My 2001 Tahoe 4x4 averages 16-19MPG....

what gives with my AV? Will it get better as I break it in???

Hey Carrerarod,

Not sure what modification you have or what kind of environment you drive in, but there are some excellent treads here on performance modifications, gas mileage, exhaust, etc.

Try a search on any of those key words just mentioned. I didn't start keeping track of my MPG until I started making modifications, so I can't say if there's a break in period where you will see improvements without doing mods.
:eek: HMMMM... :eek:

I tried a AV ave mpg thread and most folks were getting less than 14 mpg. I can't understand this at all...

I have 2000 miles on my AV. I'm still using Dino and have kept track of the mileage from day 1. My driving is about 50/50 hiway/city. I'm averaging 17.24 mpg with the 4:10's.

:love: Maybe I have a "SECRET" test engine... :B:
Avynut, what due you get for hiway only?
I took my Z71 3.73 on a 300-mile highway trip and got 16.7 mpg, which is the most I've ever got. Around town it is lucky to get 13 mpg.

My friends at work all complain about their Explorers, Durangos and Mountaineers getting 12-15 mpg. So we're all in the same gas-guzzling boat. The question is, which of these vehicles would you rather have? For me, that decision is an easy one! ;)
I had a 99 Expedition XLT with the 5.4L Triton V8. In the city, 12.8 and highway 16.8-17.2. The Av gets 14.2 city and 18.6-19.1 highway.

I guess I am happy with those numbers. For a V8 of this performance level, these numbers suit my needs just fine.

Week old Av and 17.7 on my first tank. Probably too early to tell, but hope to get close to my 2000 GMC 1500 which averages 17.8 over 56K miles. :rolleyes: 65 mile commute a day...

But you know what... you don't buy something this awesome for the Gas Milege!!!
Hey Everybody,

It Gets Better,

I Just Got Back From A 437 Mile Trip In My BlackZ71 1500

And Averaged 20.8 Per Gallon. (Not Bad For A Loaded Down 4x4)

And Thats Rockin Along At 75+

Also I'm Going To Turn 20,000 Miles On My Avalanche This Week.

Hey Carrerarod you don't say if you have a 1500 or a 2500. I have the 2500 with the 8.1 . I have 2500 miles on mine and around town so far 9-10 mpg have seen 14.8 on the highway. I bet yours improves as it breaks in.

Just so that everyone is on the same page about calculating gas mileage, what new or old method of calculation are you all using?

Price paid for gas/price per gallon? Abacus? Other?
Fill tank.
Zero trip odemeter.
Fill tank...record gallons to fill.

Divide miles on trip by gallons to fill.

Any other methods?
The only real variance is in HOW FULL is the tank. Each pump is different on how it fills. If you are like me, you fill it until you get a small puddle at the top of the filler hole. That is the only consistency I can think of in doing a mileage-based calculation. If you only fill it until the pump shuts off, your tank is not full yet.

I have also noticed it makes a big difference which way the slope is in front of the pump. If the back is higher than the front on mine it will hold a couple more gallons than if the opposite is true! I guess this means you even have to be consistent how you park. Joe
I never keep a record of gas mileage...however I pretty much follow the same routine and driving habits for the most part....and I did notice some mileage increase with the addition of the FIPK....I also noticed some added mileage as the engine continues to break itself in...and I always try to monitor tire pressure......

Many things can come into play when trying figure out gas mileage..... :B:
You will get a more accurate # if you use more gas say until the light comes on...this will then reduce the error associated with the fill up level to very little as I figure the error for fill up is less then a 1/2 a gallon.
A couple of thoughts:

1. It is bad for the fuel pump to run below 1/8 tank, I try to stay above 1/4.

2. If you want a long term average, just record gallons in, miles run from some starting point, over time the error disappears, obviously wont work for short tests, thats where the trip meter comes in @ $500+
gandolphxx said:
1. It is bad for the fuel pump to run below 1/8 tank, I try to stay above 1/4.

This might explain that foul burning smell I encountered earlier this week as I coasted in to the gas station. I was able to reach a "personal best" at the pump. 30.5 gallons to fill up the tank. :p
I don't plan to ever let it get that low again for several reasons.
I just realized that the fuel pump might have been what I was smelling. I have never encountered that before or since.

When I was in high school, the qb of the football team and a buddy of his wanted to figure out how many mpg they were getting. The came up with a brilliant plan. :0: They drove the car until it ran out of gas, then walked to the gas station and filled a gas can with one gallon.After carrying the gallon of gas back to the car and dumping it in the tank, they checked the odometer and proceeded to drive until they once again ran out of gas.Then they read the odometer again. And they said us defensive lineman were dumb... ;D
I wonder if my employer would accept a mpg test as the reason I was late for work and out of breath pushing a 5700 lb beast to work! :rolleyes:

PS - I think you'd need a whole football team to push the Av!
I know my employer would have no problem with it..he would just tell me to take my time...and he would then minus that time of my timecard.... ;D
Steelheadchaser said:
When I was in high school, the qb of the football team and a buddy of his wanted to figure out how many mpg they were getting. The came up with a brilliant plan. :0: They drove the car until it ran out of gas, then walked to the gas station and filled a gas can with one gallon.After carrying the gallon of gas back to the car and dumping it in the tank, they checked the odometer and proceeded to drive until they once again ran out of gas.Then they read the odometer again. And they said us defensive lineman were dumb... ;D

LMAO, that is priceless (y)

This beast is much heavier than your other truck. My 2000 Sierra 1500 made about 17 mpg around town and 21 on the hiway. The AV goes about 15.5 city/hiway combo and 19 Hiway for me with the same engine. But the 1500 Av weighs 5300 lbs. That's a bunch of mass...especially with my big butt in it... ;D Everything's a trade off...
Just ran my first tank, I'm getting right at 17mpg probably 60/40 highway to city but my truck does have 20,000 miles on it from previous owner.
On a recent trip from NJ to Bowling Green Kentucky, we got about 16 mpg. We did a lot of 75-85 mph spurts following a caravan of Corvettes during the trip. I have 4.10 gears and the Z-71 package.