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Thanks SpikeAV!!

Dune Coon

SM 2008
Full Member
Sep 13, 2003
Just wanted to say a quick thanks before I pull out of your driveway. I really appreciate a place to stay last night.

I still can't understand why all of the hotels were full in Birmingham.... :rolleyes:

Thanks again!!!
sounds like it to me..  I didnt even know Dune was on the road again..!!!!!
No problem man.....you have a place to crash anytime you need in Birmingham. Thanks for bringing the ............  up.  >:D  I'll post some pics as soon as the other parts come in and I get it installed!

BTW I got the shock situation worked out between the two companies.  (y)
SpikeAV said:
No problem man.....you have a place to crash anytime you need in Birmingham. Thanks for bringing the ............? up.? >:D? I'll post some pics as soon as the other parts come in and I get it installed!

BTW I got the shock situation worked out between the two companies.? (y)

Figured you would. I'll check on the status of the ............ and let you know soon.
it upsets me to know Dune was in B'ham at the same time I was there this morning and neither him nor Spike cared enough to let me know they were having a GTG. ?

I drove through at around 1am. ?Atleast someone in Cali cared enough to call me while I drove through B'ham.
grnxnam said:
it upsets me to know Dune was in B'ham at the same time I was there this morning and neither him nor Spike cared enough to let me know they were having a GTG. ?

I drove through at around 1am. ?Atleast someone in Cali cared enough to call me while I drove through B'ham.

was wondering when you were going to chime in with your 2 cents.

This someone is Cali hurts my feelings. She doesn't love me enough to care anymore. After all we have been through ???
grnxnam said:
it upsets me to know Dune was in B'ham at the same time I was there this morning and neither him nor Spike cared enough to let me know they were having a GTG. ?

I drove through at around 1am. ?Atleast someone in Cali cared enough to call me while I drove through B'ham.

you mean you didn't get that pm.....text message...voice mail that I sent? Hmmm...weird. Cell phone towers must be down.  :dunno:
SpikeAV said:
you mean you didn't get that pm.....text message...voice mail that I sent? Hmmm...weird. Cell phone towers must be down.? ?:dunno:
I have text him 3 times with no response and I havent heard from him in almost 24 hours. This is strange very strange. I dont think we have went this long without each other in months. :(
MR.SMITH said:
I have text him 3 times with no response and I havent heard from him in almost 24 hours. This is strange very strange. I dont think we have went this long without each other in months. :(
WTF Ever!!  my phone and internet works great and you havent contacted me at all.
MR.SMITH said:
I texted you "happy Bday" this morning. Did you get that?
ok, I'm sorry.  after checking my texts, I guess you did.  I must have been asleep when I checked it.

can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
grnxnam said:
ok, I'm sorry.? after checking my texts, I guess you did.? I must have been asleep when I checked it.

can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
I found forgiveness but it wasnt in my heart. Happy Bday and I  :love: you.
WOW.... all the guys in this thread are all the ones I luv... I may have to dedicate some more of my posts to this thread >:D

(sides, I've almost got Mo beat on posts... gotta keep on keepin' on !  ;) )
Avalanche Fox said:
WOW.... all the guys in this thread are all the ones I luv... I may have to dedicate some more of my posts to this thread >:D

(sides, I've almost got Mo beat on posts... gotta keep on keepin' on !? ;) )
I think you and Mo should wrestle to settle this. >:D