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The Eagle Has Landed!!


SM 2006
SM 2005
Full Member
Apr 26, 2005
Houston, TX

I've enjoyed Europe so much, I decided to make it my permanent home.  Yup, I've moved to Norway!!  I arrived Saturday and the excitement started almost immediately. 

Saturday, my employer and I went for a walk around the Aker Brygge (Brigger) for a little while, not doing or going anywhere in particular.  I believe it's the largest Fjord in this part of Norway (Oslo).  Saturday evening, I started unpacking.  I unpacked until around 8 pm, but thought it best to stay awake a while longer so my internal clock could adjust better.  It was still light out, but I wasn't concerned because it is summer.  However, I was getting more and more exhausted, but still the light remained.  Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer and looked at the clock.  It was 11 pm and still the light was as bright as it was around 8 pm!!!  I didn't realize during the summer we have 24 hours of light.  It wasn't until yesterday it hit me, if we have 24 hours of light during the summer, we must have 24 hours of dark during the winter!!  It was confirmed at lunch today.  During the winter, we only have light between 10 am and 3 pm.  At first, I panicked, but then I got to thinking that's not much different than Houston when we think of going to work during the winter.  I usually arrived at the office in the dark and went home in the dark.  It will only count during the weekend when I may want to get out, but if the snow is as bad as I think it's gonna be, I'll be ordering a lot of movies during the winter time!!

We had some excitement at the hotel this weekend.  Saturday, the fire alarm sounded and we all had to pile out and stand outside.  Sunday, I awoke very late - 2pm - and decided to take a shower to help wake up.  Well, I turned the shower on real hot and just stood there.  The fire alarm sounded again and then the telephone rang with the concierge letting me know the alarm was coming from my room.  I said couldn't be because I was  in the shower (no I wasn't smoking, just about gave that fad up).  Meanwhile, my door opens as I stand there naked as a jaybird and it's another receptionist making sure I was coming out of the room.  Take about totally embarrassed!!  And then to top it off, as I'm walking out of the hotel fully dressed, I realized I hadn't zipped my pants so I flashed everyone outside on the sidewalk!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I just calmly zipped my pants and continued to walk across the street.  I have no idea who saw my little tootie cat and who didn't (hahahaha).  And then the unthinkable happened at 4 in the morning.  The alarm goes off again!!  This time, I was in bed and decided I wasn't even showing my face.  It wasn't in my room, but I just couldn't imagine standing outside with the other guests with my pajamas on now!!

I've seen several AV's here, but I haven't had time to tag anyone.  Does anyone know if Norway has a club?  As far as I could tell, none of the AV's I saw had decals on them.  This is my 2nd trip to Norway, but the first I saw so many AV's.  I thought about bringing Blanche with me, but wasn't quite sure about the taxes and the gas prices.  I sure do miss her leather seats though.  The train is nice, but nothing like Blanche.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know I'm safe and sound.  I'll be here at least a year unless my employer makes it permanent. 

As soon as I figure that silly ole digital camera out again I'll post pictures.  My temporary living arrangements are very close to the king's palace.  I cross the royal grounds everyday going to and from the train station.  It really is a lovely site!!

Please let me know if anyone knows of a club for this area. 



Good luck..

did you bring your avy with ya?
ygmn said:
Good luck..

did you bring your avy with ya?

Hi ygmn,

I didn't bring her with me.  I wasn't sure of the gas and the tax situation for such a large vehicle over here.  I have been thinking of selling her since I may be located here in Norway for a while.  But I have to think reeeeeeeeeel hard on that one.  I actually have another vehicle I want to sell first.  And then we'll think of the Blanche.

Where are you located?

New Orleans!
ygmn said:
New Orleans!

Nawlins?!??!!  Well, I haven't seen any mudbugs since I've been here, but I did have frog legs in Lockhart, TX before I left  :love: hahahaha

Great story Blanche! Will make for some good memories and laughs! Thanks for sharing.

Enjoy your new home! Hope you find some fellow members there.
:wave: interresting story  :p enjoy Oslo.......I think it's a very nice, but costly City..
been there several times for business some years ago  :cool: stayed at the Sheraton Hotel in town
you should check there Cocktail/Piano Bar out  >:D very nice
chevyfan-germany said:
:wave: interresting story? :p enjoy Oslo.......I think it's a very nice, but costly City..
been there several times for business some years ago? :cool: stayed at the Sheraton Hotel in town
you should check there Cocktail/Piano Bar out? ?>:D very nice

V knows his watering holes! :cheers:
Cool story Blanche  (y) Hope you have a safe time there.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

I will definitely check out the watering holes around town.

AVZ66 - keep my spot in Houston!! 

Thanks SabreXray.  I may be in Germany next month - Dusseldorf.  I may send you a pm.  Not sure how far you are from Dusseldorf, but if not too far, maybe we can meet. 

Spain's on the travel map in the next few months too.  Does anyone know if we have a group in Spain?

I've seen lots of Av's since I've been here, but I've never noticed a Norway group on this forum.  Does anyone know if the Norwegian participate in our group?

You are to late! SabreXray ist back in the US.

Not many are left in Germany. 

I live in Crailsheim. Thats in the south of Germany. Zip code is 74564.

If you come to the south please tell me.

Schelbi said:
You are to late! SabreXray ist back in the US.

Not many are left in Germany.?

I live in Crailsheim. Thats in the south of Germany. Zip code is 74564.

If you come to the south please tell me.

Actually I am in Germany still, Tina is in Colorado buying our new house.  I still have to clear up a few things before I get to leave.

SabreXray said:
Don't know, six months or less hopefully less.

Hey JP...we all think your over state side  ??? what a surprise  ;D could have asked you to help me move  >:D I'm in the middle of my desaster shipping stuff to Lithuania and see what I keep here for a small place in germany....... :kidding:
I'll try to set up a run down to JL's place in Montelimar(have to talk to him yet for Date and so on) ......maybe you have time to take part ....don't know what your transportation situation is ??? but we can talk over that
chevyfan-germany said:
I'll try to set up a run down to JL's place in Montelimar(have to talk to him yet for Date and so on) ......

Cum' on old man, don't be shy, talk to me!? >:D

What date are you coming?

BTW, Wera is leaving St Aygulf the 19th of August.
SabreXray said:
Don't know, six months or less hopefully less.


Hey James, I believed you've already left Europe.  ???

If you wanna spend a few days in the sunny South of France, feel free to PM me what dates suit you.
machrychar said:
Hey James, I believed you've already left Europe.? ???

If you wanna spend a few days in the sunny South of France, feel free to PM me what dates suit you.
Not fair, he isn't allowed to have a good time without me :cool:.....stuck here in the US with nothing to do, the Colorado site is dead.  Sure miss the OA group.
Sooner Red AV said:
Not fair, he isn't allowed to have a good time without me :cool:.....stuck here in the US with nothing to do, the Colorado site is dead.? Sure miss the OA group.

We miss you too.

Saw the pic of your new house (very nice btw)...and read that you're going to GTG soon... good time ahead.? :B: