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Tick Tock!


SM 2010
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Full Member
Oct 7, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
Tick Tock...Tick Tock...it is almost time to make the run for SD and the National GTG...I AM STOKED!!! Already Half packed, will get AV detailed tomorrow, charge up the walkie talkie batteries, Pick up GPS, GS3 Sprint card and Router so we will have internet access anywhere. I am sure to add more to this list :B: :B:
I am right there with you Denman. this week is dragging  :E: :E:. what radio channel are you guys going to be on?
NVBigDogs said:
I am right there with you Denman. this week is dragging :E: :E:. what radio channel are you guys going to be on?

Channel 7 o?    AV is cleaned and a fresh oil change, new tires just need a full tank of gas.? :needhug:

Don't forget your lawn chairs and the beer goggles
Steve you are going to be missed.

beer goggles packed, too bad steve won't be there to recieve them  :C:.

hey maybe we can INresponse a snappy CC bow tie Vegas does need 2 CC's.
NVBigDogs said:
Steve you are going to be missed.

beer goggles packed, too bad steve won't be there to recieve them? :C:.

hey maybe we can INresponse a snappy CC bow tie Vegas does need 2 CC's.

Why pick on me?  I just sit here trying to be nice and helpful and everyone want me to get stuck with the beer goggles.  :E:  :E:

If I get stuck with beer goggles I will drink enough beer to make it worth while. 
Will one of you hold my gun until I sober up?  :cool:

Don't forget your Silver State AV shirts and sweatshirts.

side note....The lady for the shirts just called us tonight so we wont have time to get embroidered shirts before the National GTG.  But she said they will be about $20.00 or so for polo shirts when we get them made.  Does anyone know if the Silver State Avalanche design has ever been digitized?  It needs to be that way for her computer program to read it and if she has to send it out it will be $50.00 to $100.00 to have it done.

Without  :jacked: this post just let me know if we have it digitized already.
well I hope you guys have a great time and stay safe.  I wish I was going at the same time. maybe next year. 

if anyone needs anything done here for them let me know.  feed pets, drive police cars, etc.

john- thanks for everything and good luck in Michigan.

all my SD buds are keeping an eye pealed for ambers so don't be surprised if you get a wave.

have fun and keep her under a hundred. (not you steve).

INresponse said:
Why pick on me? I just sit here trying to be nice and helpful and everyone want me to get stuck with the beer goggles. :E: :E:

If I get stuck with beer goggles I will drink enough beer to make it worth while.
Will one of you hold my gun until I sober up? :cool:

Without :jacked: this post just let me know if we have it digitized already.

We pick on you because we know you like it  (y)

And I would be more than happy to hold that AR till you sober up.
INresponse said:
Without :jacked: this post just let me know if we have it digitized already.

Digitized ??  I believe I still have the original design on my computer, is that what you want ??
INresponse said:
Why pick on me? I just sit here trying to be nice and helpful and everyone want me to get stuck with the beer goggles. :E: :E:

If I get stuck with beer goggles I will drink enough beer to make it worth while.
Will one of you hold my gun until I sober up? :cool:

Don't forget your Silver State AV shirts and sweatshirts.

Does anyone know if the Silver State Avalanche design has ever been digitized? It needs to be that way for her computer program to read it and if she has to send it out it will be $50.00 to $100.00 to have it done.

Without :jacked: this post just let me know if we have it digitized already.

I'll be Johnny on the spot for you mike here is a link to the logo.SSA LOGO
NVBigDogs said:
I'll be Johnny on the spot for you mike here is a link to the logo.SSA LOGO

Uh, where's the link?? ? ? ? ? ? :laugh:

OK, saw your update with the  link.? Thanks, but she said a JPG or similar wont work, has to be "digitized"? I guess that is a high tech? thing that is needed for some type of compuer programs.? No sweat, we will get it in due time.