I fianally got tired of my leaning av and decided to adjust the torsion bars.
Here are the scary details:
From day 1, my Av has sat almost an 1 " lower on the drivers side front end. I measured this from the top of the tire to the fender lip. I got under the truck and checked the adjustment bolts and I noticed that the drivers side bolt was already turned in more then the passanger side bolt. I could either lower the passanger side or lift the sagging drivers side. I opted for the lift.
In order to get to the same clearance as the passanger side (6 1/8 ") I had to tighten the adjusting bolt on the drivers side 5 turns.. Can you believe that, 5 turns..
Now the truck does not lean anymore from side to side, but the Drivers side adjusting bolt is turned in almost all the way and the passanger side bolt is out most of the way. WTF... How can they be soo far off?
I have an appointment to bring the pig in on Tue for some issues and I have asked for the complimentary wheel alignment. I will also bring up the large margin of adjustment on the torsion bars.
I am very worried about the shaft angles now on the drivers side.
Anybody measure the height from the top of the front tire to the bottom metal lip of the fender ?
Here are the scary details:
From day 1, my Av has sat almost an 1 " lower on the drivers side front end. I measured this from the top of the tire to the fender lip. I got under the truck and checked the adjustment bolts and I noticed that the drivers side bolt was already turned in more then the passanger side bolt. I could either lower the passanger side or lift the sagging drivers side. I opted for the lift.
In order to get to the same clearance as the passanger side (6 1/8 ") I had to tighten the adjusting bolt on the drivers side 5 turns.. Can you believe that, 5 turns..
Now the truck does not lean anymore from side to side, but the Drivers side adjusting bolt is turned in almost all the way and the passanger side bolt is out most of the way. WTF... How can they be soo far off?
I have an appointment to bring the pig in on Tue for some issues and I have asked for the complimentary wheel alignment. I will also bring up the large margin of adjustment on the torsion bars.
I am very worried about the shaft angles now on the drivers side.
Anybody measure the height from the top of the front tire to the bottom metal lip of the fender ?