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Truck camper question


New Member
Jun 30, 2007
I hope somebody can help me with this.  I want to get a truck camper BUT the braces that go from the sides of the truck bed to the rear top of the cab make it so a camper cannot be slid all the way onto the bed (BTW, is there a name for those braces?).  Can the braces be removed??  OR, is there another way around the problem??
Welcome to the club. No you can't remove them, there is structural  steel under the plastic. The bed is also too deep for a standard TC.

:welcome: to the club you may want to try a Snugtop or they make AV tents. 

2 threads ...same question 

:welcome:  Lots of great ways to utilize the versitility of the AV  ENJOY!!!
danlwil said:

2 threads ...same question

:welcome: Lots of great ways to utilize the versitility of the AV ENJOY!!!

He/She has it all apart thinking how does it work newbie's are like that  :laugh:
MichiganSilver03 said:
:welcome: to the club you may want to try a Snugtop or they make AV tents. 
that might help, here's a picture of a snug top lontay...

WOW!  What quick response!!  BUT it sounds like I'm not going to be able to go with a traditional camper (ARRGGGHH).  But maybe I'll try something along the lines suggested - Thanks all.
Sorry about the two threads - I wasn't sure which category was best to use for this question.  I was just hoping to get even a single response - I must say I misjudged the willingness of the group to be helpfull - thanks all.
Not a problem we are here to help. what do you think abot the Snuptop.
The snugtop might work for me.  I just visited a sight but there weren't any prices.  Do you know roughly what they go for??
Thanks much.  Whenever and whatever I finally put together, I'll post a picture of it (could be scary - I've been known to have more imagination than skill at times).