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New Member
Jun 11, 2007
So Im pulling my boat out of the water and put it in drive and all it does is rev up like its in neutral. It will ony go in 1st. Anyone ever heard of anything like this?
Was the boat ramp slick?.................. :kidding: sounds like you lost a band in your trans.

I know another member with a 07 said hers would not go into reverse temporarily. I'll try to see what happened to hers.
MichiganSilver03 said:
I know another member with a 07 said hers would not go into reverse temporarily. I'll try to see what happened to hers.

She put hers in reverse and it moved forward.  Sounds like a different issue.

Did your power steering and brakes work while this happen.
you sure it was in D?

sometimes the PRNDL meter can break....
I have had a similar problem with my 02 AV every once and while when I'm stopped and then start to go again it just revs like it's in neutral and then it jerks and finally goes. Did you figure out what was wrong with yours? My truck only has 47,000 miles and I had a mechanic that specializes in trannys drive it and he said my tranny feels fine. 
Stargixxer said:
I have had a similar problem with my 02 AV every once and while when I'm stopped and then start to go again it just revs like it's in neutral and then it jerks and finally goes. Did you figure out what was wrong with yours? My truck only has 47,000 miles and I had a mechanic that specializes in trannys drive it and he said my tranny feels fine. 
mine does this also  :E:
Stargixxer said:
I have had a similar problem with my 02 AV every once and while when I'm stopped and then start to go again it just revs like it's in neutral and then it jerks and finally goes. Did you figure out what was wrong with yours? My truck only has 47,000 miles and I had a mechanic that specializes in trannys drive it and he said my tranny feels fine. 

My current 04 AV does it, my 02 AV did it and my 2000 Silverado before that did it....

Makes you worry about your tranny a bit huh?....


Stargixxer said:
I have had a similar problem with my 02 AV every once and while when I'm stopped and then start to go again it just revs like it's in neutral and then it jerks and finally goes. Did you figure out what was wrong with yours? My truck only has 47,000 miles and I had a mechanic that specializes in trannys drive it and he said my tranny feels fine.

You explained mine exactly too... but 157k and its still the original trans