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Under The Fuse Box Connectors


SM 2004
Full Member
Dec 29, 2002
If you've done the full time day time running lights, you've been under the fuse box and moved the one wire to a new posistion to a pin that is only powered when the truck is on....

Now what I'd like to know is: Are there more of those pins that are on w/accesory in that grid that I could connect a CB power wire to and another for some auxilary lights. Can I get the connectors at the GM dealer that plug into the pins or are there some that work just as well at an auto store.
Tell me what year, what style, and I'll look it up in my manual. 2003 wiring is completely different from 2002 wiring.
I went under there with a multimeter today but didn't find too much out.....

I have an 02 z71 1500
I just installed a CB and for my power lead, I wrapped the bare wire around the fuse for the Retained Power Accessory for the radio. So it will only turn on with the key on, and after turning the car off, the CB will shut off in 10 minutes or when a door is opened.
MikesTNF said:
I just installed a CB and for my power lead, I wrapped the bare wire around the fuse for the Retained Power Accessory for the radio. ?So it will only turn on with the key on, and after turning the car off, the CB will shut off in 10 minutes or when a door is opened. ?

Where is the fuse for the retained power accessory for the radio? Pic would help much too...
2002 INFO
Note: 2003 is completely different, that info will follow.

There are 2 circuits available when the ignition switch is in RUN or ACCY. One powers the wipers. The other is Retained Accy Power, which stays on for 10 minutes after the ignition is switched off. It supplies the radio, power windows, and sunroof.
All of these run thru the fuse panel on the left side of the instrument panel, by the driver's door.
Here is the list of connectors:
C1 68-way, black, on rear of fuse panel
C4 12-way brown, on front of fuse panel
C6 12-way black, on front of fuse panel
Pin locations are molded into the connectors. The first designator is the connector; the second is the cavity.
Retained power:
C1 E5 RDO1 10A radio fuse Dk green wire
C1 A9 not used, but connected to the pwindow breaker
C1 E7 RAP2 10A blk drives the RAP2 relay
C4 K, C6 C both connected to pwindow breaker, dk green. These go to power windows.
Not Retained Power:
C1 A3 25A yellow to ws wiper
C1 C3 15A yellow to rear ws wiper (may be blank in Avy)
C1 E4 10A SED Accy yellow not uset, don't know if present.

You will have to pick one of these wires to attach you accessories to. Make sure its power draw plus what ever is already on the fuse doesn't exceed the fuse rating, or you will blow fuses.

I hope this is clear, and helpful. If not, just ask. I haven't found a simple way to post the drawings, as I have them in electronic form. I'll look into that, but I don't know how quickly I will get to it.
One more caveat - double check the wires with a meter before making connections, just in case I made an error, or in case of an error in the manual. ;D
Spectron.................if you look in the fuse box next to the drivers side door, the Retained Accesorry Power fuse is on the bottom right. I believe it was a red 10 amp fuse. The owners manual shows a diagram of the fuse box but I'll try to take some pics tomorrow. I also made a bracket tonight and installed my antenna on the drivers side opposite of my factory stereo antenna. It looks great, but I haven't ran the cable yet to see how well it works there.
2003 Accessory Power
For the 2003 vehicles, everything is run by computers --No switch actually connects to anything but the computer.
Retained Accessory Power is a serial data stream sent out to any device (ie, radio) that uses it. Except for the sunroof, there is no power available to run any device.
The accy position on the ignition switch feeds 6 fuses in the fuse block on the left side of the insturment panel.
All exit the fuse block on C1, a black 68-way connector on the back of the fuse block.
Here is the wire list:
F8 IGN0 10A fuse pink wire feeds PCM
E8 IGN0 10A fuse white wire feeds BCM
B2 TBC ACCY 10A fuse yellow feeds BCM
B1 SEO ACCY 10A fuse yellow not used
B1 WS wiper 25A fuse yellow I haven't looked yet to see if these share a cavity, or if SEO just isn't there.
F1 rear wiper 15A fuse I don't know if this one is there, either.

Check these connections with a meter before you connect anything, in case of errors.

I hope this info is clear and helpful. If not, please ask.
Have fun! ;D
I have a 03, I used the rear wiper fuse (15amp), to bad every retained power puts out less than 5.5 volts.....so radio only works with key turned to acc. It was kinda nice to listen to radio till i opened the door..but oh well

BTW it's located in fuse panel inside drivers side door
Spectron...................Here is a pic of the fuse box for the 02. The red wire you see is running to the Retained Accessory Power fuse for the radio. Sorry for the fuzzy picture.



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Thanks for the picture. I just put on my old glasses, the ones I used to wear before I had my LASIK eye surgery, and it actually looks clear! :2:

Seriously, it really helped and pointed me towards the right direction.

Much obliged MikesTNF
You're welcome Spectron. If I can help with anything else, let me know. I took pics of the rest of my install too and posted them here CB Antenna Mount Point

My pictures there are a little less fuzzy, but the sun was too bright. I need to get out and take some better ones.
While we're at this, I need some help locating power to use as relay switching sources - the power will come straight from the battery.

Relay #1: Communications radios: CB, HAM etc.
Relay #2: Front Aux. (Driving) Lights
Relay #3: Read Aux. (sail mounted) Lights
Relay #4: Corner Strobes (at least that's the plan)

Relays 1-3 will be wired to On-Off-On (SPDT) switches as follows:

#1: Always On - Off - Auto (Key On/RAP)
#2: Always On - Off - Auto (w/regular High Beams)
#3: Always On - Off - Auto (w/backup lights)

Relay #4 will be a more conventional On-Off (SPST) switch set up as: Always On - Off

(And I want the Always On circuit to be protected by the battery rundown protection system.)

On my '03, it seems that the cigar lighter socket is always hot, so that could be used as the switching source for "Always On" switch source (and that should also satisy my goal of protecting the battery against accidental rundown).

The "Rear Wiper" position in the inside fuse box has been previously identified as a source for the "Key On/RAP" switch source.

I need help identiyfing the High-beam and backup light circuits and (probably more importantly) the proper method of tapping these circuits for my purposes.

Many thanks in advance!

MrJim :B:
For power straight from the battery, there are 3 studs under the shroud of the engine compartment fuses. They are nicely labeled on the fuse cover. Stud 1 & 2 have their own fuses, and are used for various GM accessories. For Avy, Stud 1 appears to power the auto level control, if you have it, and supply battery charging power to the trailer hitch. Stud 2 appears to be used for a center high mount stop lamp (CHMSL) for a trailer, but is not actually connected to anything. I'm not sure I believe the manual on this one, however.
Finally, there is the power in stud, and space for a 125A fuse. This is used on diesels, among other things.
Finally, you can get a second set of battery terminals that stack on top of the factory ones, and bypass the OE wiring completely.
Hope this helps.
mrosenfield said:
For power straight from the battery, there are 3 studs under the shroud of the engine compartment fuses. They are nicely labeled on the fuse cover.

Thats where I pull power from for an Aftermarket Stereo and Lights. Works great, is easy to hide and protected from the elements very well. and Close to where I drilled my hole to get power cables into the Cab. >:D

mrosenfield said:
Stud 2 appears to be used for a center high mount stop lamp (CHMSL) for a trailer, but is not actually connected to anything. I'm not sure I believe the manual on this one, however.
Stud 2 also feeds power to the connector for the electric trailer brake controller. The controller, if installed, then feeds the power to the trailer brakes.

-- SS