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lookingto wax my av today and dont feel like waiting or spending the money on zaino. can anyone tell me something good i could get at like an auto parts store or something like that.....thanks
Meguiars is great stuff. They make a three step system if you want to be really thorough or the Gold Class for a great stand alone product.
I have used it on my 94 Silverado Since I have had it. The original paint still looks awesome.

My .02

I have used mequairs for years and still have a few bottles if you want to come and pick it up ;D
Just joking it does a good job, but since i starting using the Zaino, those bottles of mequairs have been collecting dust.
I still use the mequairs body scrub when i get acid rain spots on the black AV. The clay magic does not even get the spots off, but the mequiars body scrub does a good job on them.
I've used Meguiars Gold Class on my Black 02, good stuff. I'm think of going the Zanio route though. Another good product for getting rid of acid rain spots is #7 Dupont clearcoat polish. Works like a charm, even took off paint when I got to close to the garage and scrapped the mirror. Make sure it's #7 Clearcoat and not the plain #7 polish. That will scratch the clearcoat. Hard to find though
On my Av I have so far only used a 3M wax that I've never seen sold retail that I got from a body shop. It is a light blue liquid wax. Based on my experience with it, I like it if you can find it.

On my other vehicles in the past (as recently as last weekend) I have used Maguires which I really like. When necessary, the three part body scrub/polisher/carnauba wax works great, although it is time consuming.

I too would like to try Zaino, and probably will someday. But in the meantime if you don't want to wait, I'd probably get the Maguires. Some of the polymers work great too however (Zymol come to mind, although it is $$$)
I just put a coat of Zymol on my new 03 Dark Gray Metallic AV this weekend. It is really great stuff to bring out the shine of the clearcoat and it fairly easy to apply by hand. I have 3-4 bottles around since I only buy it on sale. The best deal was at Costco last year - They had 2 bottles of Zymol for less than 1 Bottle at WalMart.

The only weakness is that you need to re-apply every month or two. Even using the Zymol Wash (also @ Costco) and washing by hand - it does not last a super long time.

I want to learn more about this Zaino. I would guess there is info in the Forum if I search.

Hope it helps,

I've been using NuFinish for a few years. It's cheap, goes on very easy and dries to a powder that is easy to wipe off. It leaves a good shine which seems to last pretty long. The other day I waxed my truck and then went inside to talk to my brother on the phone. When I looked out the window, I saw the sun had moved over the treetops and my truck was sitting in full sun with the NuFinish still on it. Yikes! I moved it into the shade and when it cooled down I wiped off the NuFinish. Most of it came right off, but a few spots took some rubbing. When I was done, though, there wasn't any harm and the shine looked good. I wouldn't want to try that with most waxes. Have any of you used NuFinish and then switched to Zaino? Is the extra work and money worth it? Maybe I'll give Zaino a try when I have some extra $$$, as if! :rolleyes:
What do you mean by good wax?

Please define so I can answer................if you are not that particular than anything sold at wally world or pep boys will doooooooooooooooooo ;D