Ladies and Gentlemen.....
Please welcome CAFCNA'S newest Cruise Coordinator.....
I am really happy to have Mark on board as CenCal's Cruise Coordinator!
I know that you all know that Mark has always been a major driving force with CAFCNA and AvStyle, and a real positive influence to everyone who makes contact with him. Way back in the beginning of my time with CAFCNA he was the first one to welcome me as a new member, and answered ALOT of my questions, and linked me to threads for help. It's because of him I am now BANKRUPT!!
I am sure Wildfire will do a great job keeping CenCal busy, and I look forward to working with him!
Congatulations Mark - Now Get Busy!!
Please welcome CAFCNA'S newest Cruise Coordinator.....
I am really happy to have Mark on board as CenCal's Cruise Coordinator!
I know that you all know that Mark has always been a major driving force with CAFCNA and AvStyle, and a real positive influence to everyone who makes contact with him. Way back in the beginning of my time with CAFCNA he was the first one to welcome me as a new member, and answered ALOT of my questions, and linked me to threads for help. It's because of him I am now BANKRUPT!!
I am sure Wildfire will do a great job keeping CenCal busy, and I look forward to working with him!
Congatulations Mark - Now Get Busy!!