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What Kind Of Fuel U Are Feeding Your AV ?



Guys, I love my AV and I treat it like it was my baby.
I want it to get the best of everything.
I am wondering what kind of fuel u guys are putting in it. And what is the difference between the regular fuel and the preium fuel. ?????
Thanks ??? ??? :D
I was using 87 with no problem. Lastnight filled up with 93 in prep for the Superchip. I only fillup about once a month.
Unless you are running HPP3 or Superchip programmers you should use 87 octane fuel. You will not receive any benefit from 91 93 fuels. Actually you can do more harm than good. This topic has been beat to death before. Do a search and you will see. I have ordered superchip and will have to switch to premium fuel.
HBear said:
I was using 87 with no problem. ?Lastnight filled up with 93 in prep for the Superchip. ?I only fillup about once a month.

Once a month :eek: Man oh man, I wish :cry: I have to fill weekly. Work is 27 miles away in Houston rush hour traffic. Like I said in an earlier thread, I am thinking of measuring my fuel consuption in Gallons per hour. ;D
The higher octane numbers just resist knock better than the lower numbers...if your vehicle requires it! If not, you are just wasting your cash.
High performance vehicles (REAL high performance not the one's we WANT to be high performance) require higher octane to resist the tendency to knock under load. ?If your baby don't knock with 87...stick with it. ?Some people get LESS performance with higher octane. ?(sometimes, less gas mileage and deposits too cuz your fuel is not burning the way it was designed to!) :B: ;D ;) (y)
As acurately stated above, the Av as with all modern engines is computer programed to run with a specific octane fuel as is stated in the respective owners manual. If the manual states 87 octane, then run 87 octane. No benifit will will exist running a higher or different octane.

I run 87
Bruno said:
Once a month ?:eek: Man oh man, I wish :cry: I have to fill weekly. ?Work is 27 miles away in Houston rush hour traffic. ?Like I said in an earlier thread, I am thinking of measuring my fuel consuption in Gallons per hour. ?;D

You said it bro. Same here, 27 mi to work, plus fun driving. I've put 1200 miles on the Female Dog in a little over 2 weeks! Just did the full Zaino treatment, so that should help her slide thru the wind a bit better, hehe
running around 3-3500 a month. Fill up at least twice a week sometimes 3-4 times just depends on which rigs i am visiting (distance). As prescribed by my mechanic and service manager i run only 87. I have tried 91 with the HPP3 tuned up to the 91 octane, but lowered it back down since i am not changing thermostats.
Running higher grade fuel may cause you to start getting your tapping noise earlier also. carbon buildup on pistons. You'll find about it on down the line.....
At 21,000 miles now, purchased at the end of Feb.
Run STP fuel injector cleaner about once a month. Gas mileage drops off while running injector cleaner for some reason, but run it anyway to try and keep the tapping noise at bay as long as possible.
Just the usual 87 octane here. From what I've heard that's what you should stick with on these vehicles that are "set" for that grade fuel, but if you're gonna modify the programming/chip then boost up the octane.
OK...I'll admit I'm not informed on this superchip. What is it, what does it do (improve fuel performance?), where do you get it and how do you install it? Thanks
sunruh said:
OK...I'll admit I'm not informed on this superchip. What is it, what does it do (improve fuel performance?), where do you get it and how do you install it? Thanks
The answer to this question and more can be found on the Superchip website!
I am going to be using just plain old 87.

In my 1999 Mustang GT convertible, which we traded in on the AV and took it in the a$$ on trade in value since FORD cant hold any resale vaule...but that is another story, we thought that since it was a high performance car we would use 93. When gas prices got real high last summer we out in 91 but never 87 which was recommended. After about a year and a half of 93 fill ups the mustang had trouble idling when cold. you couldnt take your foot off the throttle to put it into gear. We finally took it in when my wife coul dbarely get the car going early one morning. The mechanic gave us a load of crud that it my be carboned up due to the low pollution summer fuel( or winter cant remember) and that we would have to pay about $300-$400 dollars so they could take off the intake and clean it. I told them BS and that the car was new enough and should run fine. I told them we always filled up with 93 and they didnt say there was anything wrong with that. I finally got an owners manual off ebay for the car, since it was used and didnt come with one. In the owners manual its says to just use 87 and that higher octane can cause idle and stalling problems. Needless to say I went and filled up with 87 and all the problems went away (too bad the dumb a$$ mechanics at FORD didnt disappear as well).

Moral of the story for me, is that if the owners manual says to use a certain octane rating I am using it. Since the AV says 87 I am going to use 87 and save the difference in fillup price between 93 and 87 for modding purposes. :D
Wild West was an interesting gasoline experience:

Used regular in Oregon: had a knock in the engine when goosing it.

Used premium in Oregon: knock went away.

Used regular in California: knock with Chevron, no knock with Exxon.

Used regular in British Columbia: no knock.

Used regular in Alberta: no knock.

Run 87 octane...used to run 89 but made absolutely no difference...just burning more cash with the higher octanes......unless you chip-it.... :B:
you guys just convinced me that i'm wasting alot of money. considering i fill-up at least once a week, this is good info. i will be using 87 octane for now on. i was considering a PP3 or Superchip tuner until i saw the thread that had testimonials of the guys who burnt up their ecm's. so i guess i'll stick with 87 and bolt-on's for now. no flashing the computer for me. thanx guy's!
I've been using 87 octane - primarily Hess and Shell. Have been averaging a little better than 16 MPG.
Buying 91 when towing is just probably a habit for me. My Dodge use to ping like crazy when I towed my trailer. IT weighs about 5000 lbs. I have not had any ping problems with the AV but then again, I always tow with 91 octane.

Bad habits are hard to break!
I've been logging the gas mileage on our Av since day 1. After many tanks of fuel, I discovered I get worse mileage (but seemingly the same performance) on tanks where I use 89 or 91 octane fuel. :eek:

As some of the veterans have posted previously, it looks like the Av is tuned to use regular fuel unless you do some kind of engine or chip mod.
the only engine mod i have done so far is the k&n fipk. hardly enough to warrant the upgraded fuel, right? when you say engine mods i think more about the PP3 or Superchip tuner, etc. i do not tow anything in the 5k range, but if i do i will take notice on how it performs and upgrade fuel from there if necessary. :B: