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What's in my rear?


Full Member
May 29, 2007
Saskatchewan, Canada
I have no idea if the truck I bought has 3.73 or 4.10 in the rear axle, is there an easy way of finding out? The Impala I replaced had a decal with all of the RPO codes for the vehicle inside the trunk, I have looked all over the Av and have come to the conclusion that they weren't put on these trucks.
The label is in the passenger side glove box.  SOmeone will post the code for the rears i'm sure.  I dont know it.

Also  :welcome: to the club  family

And If I didn't know better, i'd expect the title of this post to have been made by a "certain" female AV owner.  >:D
Great answer to a loaded question WILDFIRE!


Welcome to CAFCNA _tinman_!
amd1900mp said:
Great answer to a loaded question WILDFIRE!


Welcome to CAFCNA _tinman_!
just the facts sir  :laugh:
                                      :welcome: to the club!
Hmm, never thought to look in the glove box for the build sticker, guess I didn't quite look everywhere! Turns out I have a 3.73 locker, thanks for the help and the welcomes!
_tinman_ said:
Hmm, never thought to look in the glove box for the build sticker, guess I didn't quite look everywhere! Turns out I have a 3.73 locker, thanks guys!

Having the Z71 meant you had the G80 already.
Tango Chaser said:
And If I didn't know better, i'd expect the title of this post to have been made by a "certain" female AV owner.  >:D

I thought it was a new game show on Fox... (or maybe Bravo...)
Does somebody have more infos about the G80? Is it a differential blockade or just a differential brake? How is it activated?

if u send me your vin, i can pull up a vehicle history showing everything it came w/...

gm's site is down today but tomorrow i think i can...