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When Do You Mod?


SM 2003
Full Member
Sep 1, 2002
I've done 20 mods in 3 months and I am starting to slow down. Maybe I'm kicking my addiction.
Once I see something I want, and can afford it at the time, I will get it. If I can't afford it, I will either wait until I can or opt for something less expensive.
I don't like to feel I need her "permission" but I do what's affordable and feasible. I'd love to have a Whipple, but that would un-affordable and cause me to "beg" for forgiveness for far too long ;D

As soon as the Mountain decals came out, for example, I ordered the C-pillar set. Then I ordered the visor decals and a larger set for the front and rear of the truck. I was in contact with Rich (streamlinedesign) quite a bit on the Z71 mountain decals and as soon as they were available I ordered those as well.

I am probably done for now.

I mod slowly, and when I have money. Slow for several reasons. #1 it keeps the interest in the vehicle, when you still have something you want to do to it. #2, the longer you wait, the more products that are available, for the same application.
I mod when I have the money..as well..but I also have to sort of play the field with the wife.....for instance...I've had the HU for my Av now for like I would say 2 weeks or so.....I'm waiting on the blessing from the Queen for the Amp and door speakers....you don't know how bad it's killing me ...seeing my radio just sitting in the box....but I'd rather do it all at once.....

Some of the smaller stuff...I just go ahead and buy....it's not like you have to get permission like Jamie said.....so what I go and spend $20 on decals .....she'll spend more than that on lunch for the week....you see my point....but something like a whipple, or vortech...would have to be a dual agreement...for that is no small coin....

Have done a LOT since adopting in December...we figured up we spent more than twice the amount of our payment for mods, before the 1st payment was due!!!

Needless to say, all the mods were done in the freezing cold, in the dark while I held the Mag-lite from the Mag-lite mod for the hubby! :rolleyes: But, it's a labor of love...and it's all good!
It's usually based on what products I can find for the AV and if I see something worth it, then I'll do it. Then there's always that other stuff I run into problems with....oh what's it called....oh, yeah, MONEY :D
i ask, "how much?". if i like the answer i get it. if i do not like the answer i get it another day when i have the funds.
i also save my change on a daily basis. when i fill the container i count it. whatever i save buys a new mod. or at least goes towards one. it's almost full too. >:D i am looking at a billet grill from Trenz.
The rate limiting factor for me is definitely TIME.

Fortunately, I can afford the mods that I like but since I am a hands on kind of guy, and took my AV on as a hobby, I was determined to do as much as I can myself.

During this process, I actually amazed myself because I learned and picked up new skills I never had before.

My dad always helps me--he has no choice I guess because I built him a brand new house to retire on and he lives 1/2 mile away from me. I don't own any tools but the workshop in his huge garage looks like Bob Vila's workshop.

As far as time of the day when I do mods, my favorite time is after 9:00 pm, all alone in my garage, wife and kids are asleep, soft music in background, phone off the hook, and i am in modding heaven!
02-Z66 said:
i also save my change on a daily basis. ?when i fill the container i count it. ?whatever i save buys a new mod. ?or at least goes towards one. ?it's almost full too. >:D ?i am looking at a billet grill from Trenz.

That's how I got the Magnaflow muffler & tip! My change is up to about $75 right now. Assuming they don't come out with a PS3 in the next year, It may eventually fund a Waag for the front of this Av!

My mods are definitely budget constrained. I need to save and save and save and then barring no emergencies I get to mod something... :D
jamie said:
That's how I got the Magnaflow muffler & tip! My change is up to about $75 right now. Assuming they don't come out with a PS3 in the next year, It may eventually fund a Waag for the front of this Av!
Saving change is tuff. 1992's 1994's and 2000's go in the Grandkids banks. We have a State Quarters book for each GK, plus donate to the ones they keep themselves. But that's ok - nothing quite as special as Grandchildren! :love: Any other quarters go in a jar for the car wash!
gr8ytavswife said:
Have done a LOT since adopting in December...we figured up we spent more than twice the amount of our payment for mods, before the 1st payment was due!!!

All mods are paid for by OT, so he can mod all he wants when the OT shows up on the paycheck ;)
I voted for When I have money. If I have money I will buy it. If I dont, well you cant get the mod at all.
I certainly mod when the funds are available. I have not done much yet besides a little painting under the hood. I'm still trying to get used to the idea of taking a drill or whatever to my truck. Dont know if I'm exactly ready for that yet :rolleyes: I'm sure I'll do it eventually....but for know I'll stick with the little stuff
>:Dsits on one shoulder telling me to mod,mod,mod and :love: sits on the other shoulder telling me to wait,wait,wait! >:D usally wins!
gr8ytavswife said:
All mods are paid for by OT, so he can mod all he wants when the OT shows up on the paycheck ?;)
I like the OT....my wife see's it as a bonus...you get where I'm going with this.....she means well though... ;D

I (with most things) take a wait and see approach.

Trying to not get caught up in the moment.

Wait a month or two, if I still want it, then I will probably get it. If not, I saved some money.

Some people call me tight with my money, I call it cautiously frugal. :)
I needed to click several of those choices. Mainly it comes down to budgeting or the benifit of modding at that time considering what kind of deal I find.