I used to use Liquid Glass about 10 years ago.
I used to have a friend of mine who worked at an auto parts store and he used to give me a nice discount from the $25 / container.
I will admit, the first time you use the Zaino, it usually takes most people about 3-4 hours.
But, after the first time, I can apply another coat of Z2 in about 10 minutes. Zaino can be applied to the whole vehicle before taking it off. In fact, it is best to remove Zaino after it is dry on the vehicle.
The absolute best thing about it, compared to any other polish/wax I have used over the last 20 years - none of that nasty, powdery white residue left over.
I used to have to go over my last car with a toothbrush getting all of the buildup wax gunk in al of the crevices. On a black car, it was not easy to miss.
So, I just have to say, it is a little more expensive in the beginning, both monetarily and time-wise, but definitely easier and less troublesome after the first application.
*** Getting off my Zaino Box ***(formerly known as a Soap Box