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Subaru Baja Meets 2003 2500 4x4 Avalanche


SM 2003
Full Member
Aug 11, 2002
So there it was, down the street from my house, a new Subaru "Baja" (Ba-HaHa?). As I drove my brand new 2003 2500 4x4 Av I figured why not stop and snap a few pics of the Mini Me Av next to the real thing.

I happen to like the Subaru Baja - why? Because they know a good thing when they see (saw it) - the Av, and they copied it in their very own Subaru way. For a $24,000 box of rice krispies >:D it's a fine vehicle, one that will never be confused with an Av but that's a good thing.

I'm sure other automakers will make more attempts to copy the Av. This is just the first...

Here's a pic of the Baja alone - you might be able to make out the "porthole" (my name for it) opening from the bed into the back seat.

Since it's the only removable part of the wall behind the 2nd row of seats, it would only be good for carrying hockey sticks, pitchforks, lamp posts and short flag poles...

Was it a photoshop trick or are some of the letters missing on the tailgate? Look's like all that are left are the 'B' and the 'R'.
pdxkevin said:
Was it a photoshop trick or are some of the letters missing on the tailgate? Look's like all that are left are the 'B' and the 'R'.

I noticed that when I took the picture - what the heck is a BR? ??? I wonder if the owner even realizes that their Baja is a BR? Maybe it's Subaru's way of spelling Baja? Or maybe it's done on purpose by Subaru? :9:
Nice comparison pics >:D
It looks like a little tonka version of the AV. Well, except for it is probably to small to be tonka maybe......micro machine. :)
lsuflyingtiger said:
Whoever owns the vehicle took off the other letters in Subaru and just left the B and R.

I see people doing that with Toyotos all the time

Where do they get the 'B' and 'R' from in Toyota? ???

J/K ;)

For TOYOTA, it's generally all but the 'YO' that is removed. Real common on the tailgate of pickups.

Leaving the TOY would be appropriate, but unfortunately that doesn't end up centered on the tailgate.
I'll tell ya what though, it looks a heck of a lot better in that silver than in the yellow you so quite often on the web.....and I'm a fan of yellow, but not on that scooby.. :B:
Have to admit it looks pretty sharp in all silver. I think Subaru would have been better with a darker color choice on the bottom. Silver and yellow just don't go in my book.

I got a chance to take a good look at one of these at Costco last week. The one I looked at was loaded to the teeth and stickered for $27.5K. The interior looked very plush, was in leather and yes appeared to be stock Subaru Outback. The styling is aggressive and although I like the lines, I'm not fond of the yellow/silver combination.

They have done a solid job on the bed. It's lined and the one I looked at had the bed extender. HOWEVER the bed appears to be nearly functionally useless. No cargo cover and the size of a very large trunk. Don't see how you'd haul groceries in that without a bed cover in our misreable Seattle weather. I'd guess it would hold eight to ten 2 cubic foot bags of bark mulch, about 1/3 of the capacity of the Avalanche. I know with the porthole down it's capacity goes to 7'3" - not to shabby for the little Subaru.

Kind of an interesting club of vehicles now. The Subaru is the smallest, followed by the midgate-less Sport Trac, and then the Avalanche. All three serve different purposes and needs. I know my Avalanche is going to go places the Subaru wouldn't dream of going due to ground clearance and AWD. Also know I can carry more and my passengers will be more comfortable. It's all in what you need, and for a niche the Subaru will pull well. That is one thing Subaru excels at, niche marketing and building loyalty.

Personally I was a huge fan of the old Brat - but alas trial lawyers, insurance companies, product liability insurance and government regulators have surely done away with the rear facing back seats - even if they were equipped with seatbelts (unlike the classic Brat where you had to hold on tight).
I do have to say, that I'm glad the yellow that Subaru went with is not that yellow that was offered and probably still is on the WRX....yuck! looks like it had sat out in the sun for about 10 years....very faded and bland looking.... :B:
I think the Subaru looks similar to a 4 door el camino. They'll probably sell a lot of them. It's too small for me. The AV is just right. (y)
Chief said:
I got a chance to take a good look at one of these at Costco last week. The one I looked at was loaded to the teeth and stickered for $27.5K.
What? They sell them at Costco?! :D
Fleecing of America in the 21st Century!
As I remember, Subaru is owned by GM. ??? I don't know if thta's true or not but that's what I saw on a website once. If it is owned by GM, than maybe GM just wants to make another version of the Av. :0: That's what the Caddy (EXT) is, right?
They seem to be owned by people who like to be viewed as "environmentally aware". At least that's what I've heard. Seems like the off roader for the guilt stricken. Just my 2 cents. I don't mean to pee on anyone's parade.
No, GM does not own Subaru - Subaru is owned by Fuji Heavy Industries of Japan. HOWEVER GM has investment in Subaru and several show cars have been based on the Outback chassis and using the Subaru horizontally opposed boxer 4 cylinder engine, raising speculation that Subaru will be getting into a larger relationship with the General, or bought outright long term.

I BELIEVE that GM now technically owns Isuzu, doing a similar manuver that Ford did with struggling Mazda, and now has a controlling number of shares in the faltering SUV and truck company.

Great pics! I hadn't seen one until now. A baby Av???

Subaru's TV ads state "The world's first multi-purpose vehicle." or some such nonsense. First? I let it slide when I thought they were saying it's a car, plus it had a midgate. It doesn't! ??? I'm shocked. It has virtually none of the features I thought it did. :3: Sorry, but a glorified port hole seems like an 11th hour decision to me. I like Subaru's, but this one ain't the world's first anything. :B:
I wish I had the digital with me tonight - I saw a Jeep Cherokee with the storage area chopped off with a soft top and a new back glass window - umm it looked very odd - almost an AV want to be :)

pdxkevin said:
Was it a photoshop trick or are some of the letters missing on the tailgate? Look's like all that are left are the 'B' and the 'R'.
I wonder if B R happens to be the owners initials?