I was getting excited to have a garage sale and such for a few extra $$$ spending money on trip and low and behold the FREAKING DS regulator cable gave a loud POP tonight....

made me want to

when I called the parts house and asked for cost! Just under $100.oo for regulator and motor assembly, (in stock) and just regulator assy (not in stock) was $63.oo.
Does this (something breaks) happen to you guys and gals before a trip/vacation? If it was the passenger side it would wait, but the driver side in NEEDED for many things as drive up windows at restaurants, banks, or turning a bird or two loose at annoying drivers/pedestrians.
I posted the motor in http://www.chevyavalanchefanclub.com/cafcna/index.php/topic,121504.msg1858787.html#new that it is FREE and worked great before the regulator let loose. Unless someone else jumps on it before we leave Friday for the Iowa GTG I will bring it with me and whoever needs one can have it.
Counting down and can't wait!!!